Maiden Newton Surgery update
Changes to Maiden Newton Surgery’s opening hours
Due to National GP shortages and struggles with ongoing GP recruitment issues we are forced to close Maiden Newton surgery on Thursdays only. Thursday is currently the day where we are not able to staff the site with a full complement of a GP, Nurse, dispensing and admin staff. As a result, this creates a clinically challenging working environment for staff and patients.
This Thursday closure DOES NOT affect your access to healthcare, the Tunnel Road and Bridport sites provide clinical cover as required on Thursdays. You can contact the surgery as normal through econsult or 01308 861800 to see or speak with a GP. Our surgery opening hours remain the same 8.30-18.30.
We are planning the change in hours to start from the week beginning the 23/01/23. So the first Thursday closure will be the 26/01/23.
Regarding our dispensary to ensure that there are adequate times to pick up your medication we have extended our dispensing times, see below.
Monday 8.30-13.00, 13.30-18.00.
Tuesday 8.30-13.00, 13.30-18.00.
Wednesday 8.30-13.00, 13.30-18.00.
Thursday- CLOSED
Friday 8.30-13.00, 13.30-18.00.
As a remote surgery site, we often have patients walk in with health concerns which can require more care and support as an emergency. We would like to remind patients that for any Urgent problems such as Chest pain, Shortness of breath, weakness of limbs, palpitations, allergic reactions, head injuries and falls they should ring 999, 111 or attend local A&E or minor injury unit.
We regret that we are having to make this move and hope it will be temporary. Our staff are working hard to care for patients. We are aware patients who are unwell or waiting for care are often worried, nervous, and frightened. We understand this and our staff are here to help, however unfortunately in some cases our staff aren’t being treated with respect and courtesy. Abuse will not be tolerated and should not be a part of a day’s work for our staff.
Please can we remind all patients at Ammonite Health Partnership we operate a zero-tolerance approach. We fully appreciate this change may be challenging and disruptive for you and we acknowledge this. We hope to have your understanding and support.