Vacancy for Parish Clerk/RFO

Vacancy for Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer – Frome Valley Parish Council

17 November 2023

  • Council Name: Frome Valley Parish Council
  • Role/Job Title: Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
  • Salary/Pay Range: Salary Scale 7 – 12 £22,369 – £24,496 pro rata
  • Hours per month: 32 hrs per month
  • Closing date for applications: 30 Nov 2023
  • Contact email:
  • Contact telephone: 01935 83040
  • Council Website:

Frome Valley Parish Council is seeking to appoint a part-time Parish Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer to the support the council and work closely with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Councillors.

The contract is for 32 hours a month, paid in accordance with NALC salary scale SCP LC1 7-10, depending on experience. Both hours and hourly rate will be reviewed in April 2024.

The Parish Council convenes on six evenings a year (on the last Monday of alternate months – Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept & Nov). In exceptional circumstance additional meetings are called.

A Certificate in Local Council Administration is desirable, but a willingness to work to achieve this qualification if needed, is essential. An understanding and knowledge of local government organisations and procedures is desirable.

To arrange an informal discussion about the post and copies of the job description and person specification please contact Sara Palmer, Chairman of Frome Valley Parish Council via email

You may submit your CV or make a written application stating:
• Why you are interested in the position, what you can bring to the role and how you can support the Council.
• What relevant skills and experience you have (refer to Job Description and Person Specification)
Please provide 2 references which will be taken up if the offer of an appointment is made.
Please return your application by:
Email: marked Private & Confidential to

Post: in a sealed envelope marked Private & Confidential to Cllr Sara Palmer, Manor Field, Frome St Quintin, Dorchester DT2 0HF

Frome Valley Parish Council is committed to Equality of Opportunity.