FVPC Agenda 27-09-21
Notice is hereby given that Councillors are summoned to the September meeting of Frome Valley Parish Council
Monday 27th September 2021, 7pm, Savill Hall (main hall), Cattistock
Important notes for members of the public : Any Covid-19 regulations and guidance in place at the time of the meeting will apply
Sara Palmer, Chair of the Council
20 September 2021
Democratic Period
- Ten minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues not on the agenda.
- Approve and appointment incoming Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer.
- Apologies for absence
- Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
- Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 4 th May 2021
- Matters Arising from the Last Meeting
To discuss matters arising from minutes of the last meeting
- Dorset Council – Higher Authority Report
- Development Matters
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation:
- P/HOU/2021/01903 – Proposal to demolish a flint boundary wall and to erect a ground floor extension at :4 The Rocks, West End, Cattistock
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting
- None at time of agenda publication
- To receive any updates regarding the mobile home located at Sandhills
- Community Space
- To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
- To note weekly inspection reports and any findings/ review rota
- To receive the quarterly inspection report and action any repairs
- Highways and Footpaths
- To receive an update from Rights of Way Liaison Officer
- Update on consideration for signage on side of Community Space to prevent parked vehicles blocking access for neighbouring properties
- Update on refurbishment of the Chilfrome fingerpost located on the A356
- Financial and Procedural Matters
- To authorise payments for goods and services
- To amend the bank mandate to add incoming Clerk as signatory/correspondence address
- To retrospectively approve decisions made under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation
- Correspondence
To receive a verbal update from the Chair on any correspondence not dealt with by substantive agenda items
- Other Relevant Information
- Arrangements for Next Meeting