FVPC Agenda – 04.05.2021
Notice is hereby given that Councillors are summoned to the Annual Parish Meeting, which will be held remotely, via Zoom at 7pm, on Tuesday 4th May 2021, followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting and monthly meeting of the Frome Valley Parish Council.
Katharine Sheehan, Clerk to the Council 26th April 2021
Important notes for members of the public
• In accordance with latest NALC advice, joining details for the meeting are published as follows:
• Meeting ID: 938 9374 7275 Passcode: 248640
• If members of the public wish to raise an issue/ask a question, it would be helpful to have advance notice, otherwise questions may be referred to the Clerk to research and answer at a later date;
• The meeting may be recorded for the purposes of assisting with writing minutes. Recordings will be deleted once minutes have been written.
Agenda – Annual Parish Meeting
Welcome from Chair
Approval of the minutes of the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting
(NB no Parish meeting in 2020)
Democratic Period
Agenda – Annual Parish Council Meeting & May meeting
1. Election of Chairman, other Officers, Committees and Representatives
To elect a Chairman for 2021/22 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office
To elect a Vice Chairman for 2021/22 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office
To appoint the following leads:
Footpaths and Rights of Way Liaison
Transport Advisor
HMS Cattistock Liaison
DAPTC representative
To confirm the membership of the Community Space working party
2. General Power of Competence
To confirm that Frome Valley Parish Council continues to meet the criteria for the GPC, and to resolve to continue to exercise the GPC
3. Apologies for absence
4. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
5. Minutes of Previous Meeting
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the meeting held on 29th March 2021
6. Matters Arising from the Last Meeting
To discuss any matters arising from the last meeting:
• Update and possible further action relating to the mobile home at Sandhills
• Update following site meeting with DC officers regarding silting issues at The Square, and flooding issues at Duck Street/Kennel Lane
• Update on condition of the bus shelter
7. Community Space
a. To receive an update on the Community Space
b. To receive the quarterly inspection report from K Hussey
8. Financial and Procedural Matters
a. To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for 20/21
b. To approve the Annual Governance Statements for 20/21
c. To approve the Accounts and End of Year Bank Reconciliation 20/21
d. To approve the Accounting Statements 20/21
e. To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting including the insurance renewal for 21/22
f. To reaffirm Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct
g. To review bank mandate
h. To consider materials and finishes for new parish noticeboards at Frome St Quintin and Cattistock
i. To consider a grant request for £110 for a Dorset County flag for the open gardens weekend
j. To adopt a scheme of delegation
k. To consider a way forward with the Cattistock defibrillator replacement proposals
9. Development Matters – all current planning matters including:
a. Planning applications currently in circulation:
• WD/D/19/002710 Land at George Albert Hotel, Southern Counties Leisure, Long Ash Lane – Change of use of land and erection of holiday lodges and staff accommodation units together with installation of infrastructure to form a 5* exclusive holiday lodge park in lieu of current land use of motor racing circuit, shooting ground and static caravan park.
• WD/D/21/000095 Old Rectory, St Helen’s Lane, Chilfrome – Addition of 2nd storey to an existing extension and change porch to create a boot room to the rear.
b. To note development decisions received since the last meeting, namely:
• None at time of agenda publication.
10. Highways & Footpaths
a. To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer
b. To consider an application for a Definitive Map Modification order made to Dorset Council – addition of a BOAT from A37 to Haydon Lane
11. Correspondence
a. To note the action on other correspondence received since the last meeting, namely:
• Various emailed survey and consultation requests from higher authorities – forwarded to Councillors
• Various emailed event notifications – forwarded to Councillors
12. Other Relevant Information
13. Arrangements for Next Meeting
To discuss arrangements for the next meeting