FVPC Agenda 13-5-24


Date 7 May 2024


Councillors are summoned to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting on

Monday 13th May 2024

7.00 pm at the Savill Hall, Cattistock

Public and press are cordially invited to attend.



Democratic Period- Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on agenda items.


24/05-1 To elect a Chairman for 2024-25


24/05-2 To elect a Vice-Chairman for 2024-25


24/05-3 To receives apologies for absence


24/05-4 To receive disclosures of interests or grants of dispensation


24/05-5 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2024




Matters arising from the last meeting




To confirm the Councillors roles and responsibilities for the coming year

i.            Planning

ii.            Footpaths and Rights of Way Liaison

iii.            Transport Advisor

iv.            HMS Cattistock Liaison

v.            DAPTC representative

vi.            To confirm the membership of the Community Space working party


24/05-8 General Power of Competence

To confirm that Frome Valley Parish Council continues to meet the criteria for the GPC, and to resolve to continue to exercise the power.


24/05-9 Community Space

To receive an update on the Community Space


24/05-10 Financial and Procedural Matters

i.            To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for 23/24

ii.            To approve the Certificate of Exemption 23/24

iii.            To approve the Annual Governance Statement for 23/24

iv.            To approve the Statement of Accounts 23/24

v.            To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting including the insurance renewal for 24/25

vi.            To reaffirm Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct

vii.            To review bank mandates

viii.            To discuss donations towards repairs to Parish Churches


24/05-11 Planning

i.            To consider all planning applications in circulation

P/HOU/2024/02102 Proposal: Clad part front elevation, side and part rear elevation Location: Willow Cottage, Meadow View (Closing date 13th May)

ii.            To note development decisions received since the last meeting or other planning matters.


24/05-12 Highways

To receive highways reports


24/05-13 Footpaths & Rights of Way-

To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer


24/05-14 Correspondence

To receive items of correspondence


24/05-15 Parish reports:

i.            Cattistock

ii.            Frome St Quintin

iii.            Chilfrome


24/05-16 To confirm meeting dates for the coming year and items for the next meeting