FVPC Agenda 28-03-22
Councillors are summoned the next Parish Council meeting on
Monday 28th March 2022
7pm at the Savill Hall, Cattistock
Public and press are cordially invited to attend
Democratic Period
Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on agenda items.
- Apologies for absence
- To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2022
- To receive any matters arising from for information
- To consider the draft recommendations for the CGR by Dorset Council to reduce Cllr numbers in the parish of Chilfrome from May 2024
- Financial and Procedural Matters
- To authorise payments and receipts since the last meeting
- To agree to close the HSBC bank and transfer the final funds to the Lloyds account
- Planning and Development Matters
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting
- Highways and Footpaths
- To receive an update from Rights of Way Liaison Officer
- To receive any highways reports
- Community Space
- To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group and consider the proposals for new fitness equipment
- To note weekly and or quarterly inspection reports, findings, actions/ review rota
- Dorset Council –Ward Cllr Report
- Correspondence
- To receive the report of correspondence not dealt with by substantive agenda items
- Items for the Annual Parish Council meeting 24th May 2022 and make arrangements for the Annual Parish Assembly.