FVPC Agenda 29.07.2021
Notice is hereby given that Councillors are summoned to an informal meeting of Frome Valley Parish Council
Thursday 29th July 2021, 7pm, held remotely via Zoom
Important notes for members of the public
• This is an informal meeting of the Parish Council following the expiry of the remote meetings legislation in May 2021. The purpose of the meeting is to progress business under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. The Parish Council aims to resume face to face meetings in September;
• Joining details: Meeting ID: 830 4816 5887 Passcode: 255936
• If members of the public wish to raise an issue/ask a question, it would be helpful to have advance notice, otherwise questions may be referred to the Clerk to research and answer at a later date;
• The meeting may be recorded for the purposes of assisting with writing minutes. Recordings will be deleted once minutes have been written.
Katharine Sheehan, Clerk to the Council 22nd July 2021
Fromevalley@dorset-aptc.gov.uk 07841 116986
Democratic Period
Ten minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues not on the agenda.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 4th May 2021
4. Matters Arising from the Last Meeting
To discuss matters arising from minutes of the last meeting
5. Dorset Council – Higher Authority Report
6. Development Matters
a. To consider planning applications currently in circulation:
• P/HOU/2021/02177 13 Meadow View, Cattistock – removal of existing conservatory and erection of 2-storey side extension
• P/LBC/2021/01504 Fullers Earth, Maiden Newton Road, Cattistock – replacement of C20th timer and crittal windows, replacement of cement render with rough cast lime, demolition of C20th modern garage block, reopening of historic doorway.
b. To note development decisions received since the last meeting
• None at time of agenda publication
c. To receive any updates regarding the mobile home located at Sandhills
7. Community Space
a. To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
b. To note weekly inspection reports and any findings/ review rota
c. To receive the quarterly inspection report and action any repairs
8. Highways and Footpaths
a. To receive an update from Rights of Way Liaison Officer
b. To consider a request for signage on side of Community Space to prevent parked vehicles blocking access for neighbouring properties
c. To consider a request for a replacement memorial bench at the front of the church
d. To consider refurbishment of the Chilfrome fingerpost located on the A356
9. Financial and Procedural Matters
a. To authorise payments for goods and services/note receipts/bank reconciliation/Q1 report
b. To note that DAPTC training on the proposed new Code of Conduct and complaints process is now available
c. To receive an update on Dorset Council’s Community Governance Review
d. To authorise the Clerk to sign the MOU with SWAST for the renewed defibrillator contract
e. To agree an advert, job description, person specification, timetable and panel for the recruitment of a new Clerk
f. To amend the bank mandate to remove outgoing Clerk as signatory/correspondence address
g. To retrospectively approve decisions made under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation – N/A
10. Correspondence
a. To receive a verbal update from the Clerk on any correspondence not dealt with by substantive agenda items
11. Other Relevant Information
12. Arrangements for Next Meeting