Parish Council Meeting Agenda 30-09-24
Councillors are summoned to attend the Parish Council meeting on Monday 30 September 2024
7.00 pm at the Savill Hall, Cattistock
Public and press are cordially invited to attend.
Democratic Period- Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on agenda items.
30/09-1 | Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair. |
30/09-2 | To update on appointment of a new Clerk/RFO. |
30/09-3 | To receives apologies for absence. |
30/09-4 | To receive disclosures of interests or grants of dispensation. |
30/09-5 | To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29 July 2024. |
30/09-6 | Matters arising from the last meeting – for information only. |
30/09-7 | To receive a report from Dorset Council |
30/09-8 | Community Space
i To receive an update from the Community Space group ii To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs iii To consider hedge cutting along boundary with Fuller’s Earth lane iv To provide update on complaint from adjoining property re ivy |
30/09-9 | Financial and Procedural Matters
To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting. i Approve payment for Country Cars mobile phone contract renewal |
30/09-10 | Planning
i To consider all planning applications in circulation a. P/HOU/2024/04968 Proposal: Replace the outer plaster and clad the bungalow in vertical strips of Western Red Cedar at Wallis Farm Bungalow, Maiden Newton Road, Cattistock DT2 0JL b. P/CLE/2024/04897 Proposal: The retention and continued occupation of a mobile home for residential purposes in breach of conditions 3 and 5 of application 1/D/10/001604Location: Higher Drove Farm, Higher Drove, ii To note development decisions received since the last meeting or other planning matters. a. P/LBC/2024/03542 Proposal: External alterations to replace gutters and downpipe with case aluminium rainwater goods with cast aluminium. Location: Ivy Cottage, The Square – Granted b. P/FUL/2023/00953 Proposal: Installation of ground mounted solar photovoltaic array etc. Location: Land South West of Wraxall Woods – Awaiting decision
30/09-11 | Highways
i To receive any Highways reports ii To receive the Transport report |
30/09-12 | Footpaths & Rights of Way
i To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer ii Update on Wraxall Lane |
30/09-13 | Correspondence – to receive items of correspondence.
Correspondence circulated to Councillors |
30/09-14 | Parish reports:
i Cattistock ii Frome St Quintin – installation of a defibrillator iii Chilfrome |
30/09-15 | Repairs to Cattistock Church Clock
Update on request for funding for repairs to Cattistock Church clock. |
30/09-16 | To confirm date for the next Parish Council Meeting on Monday 25 November 2024 – budget and precept |