FVPC Minutes 29-07-24

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on Monday 29th July 2024 at 7.00pm at The Savill Hall, Cattistock



Cllr D Newman (DN)

Cllr G Browning (GB)

Cllr B Sennett    (BS) (Vice Chair)

Cllr C Ould (CO)

Frome St Quintin

Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair)

Cllr D McCallum (DM)

Cllr S Stovin (SS)


Cllr I Mitchell (IM)

Cllr V Kennard (VK)

Also present:

Cllr N Eysenck (NE) (Dorset County Councillor)

Chairman of Cattistock Fete Committee (Democratic Forum only)


Cllr W Lashbrook

Democratic Forum
The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee attended the democratic period to address points raised in a letter dated 17 May 2024 (noted in italics below) from FVPC to the Fete Committee.

1.       It has come to the attention of Frome Valley Parish Council (FVPC) that the Cattistock Fete Committee has taken an interest in some the Council’s fixed assets, and that this has extended as far as the Fete Committee sending some of the twelve seats which are located around the village away for refurbishment without any prior discussion with, or permission from, the Council.

The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee denied that this had happened and that a parishioner who has sadly now passed away, wished to smarten up the benches in the village.  The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee advised that 2 individuals had put back any benches that were in the wrong place and stated that the Cattistock Fete Committee, had no involvement in the refurbishment of the village benches.

2.       FVPC requests that the Cattistock Fete Committee ceases to undertake any further activity of this kind as FVPC has precept allocated for the maintenance of its fixed assets and will undertake any arrangements for such maintenance itself. This also applies to the refurbishment of the Cattistock bus shelter, for which the Council has already made its own arrangements.

The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee correctly stated that permission was granted by FVPC at the Parish Council Meeting held on 26 September 2022 (extract from minutes of meeting on 26 September 2024 ‘A member of the Fete committee attended the meeting to ask permission to renovate and tidy up the bus shelter, it is currently only being used by the children on the school bus.

It was explained that the Fete money is raised for the benefit of the community, and it is the wish of the committee to carry out some work on the bus shelter, minor repairs, painting and updating the notice board. The Bus shelter is owned by the Parish Council, the bus shelter was installed from Millennium Fund money 20 years ago. The Council agreed to the work and asked that part of the notice board within is made available for village notices. The group were thanked for taking on this project.’)

Whilst it was recognised by FVPC that the Fete Committee had been given permission to refurbish the bus shelter, SP pointed out that this was almost 2 years ago, and no work had been carried out to date. It was therefore fair to assume that it was not going to be undertaken. The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee advised that it had not been carried out due to poor weather. FVPC re-iterated what was stated in the letter (i.e. that it had since made its own arrangements for the refurbishment), and this was accepted.

3.       If the Cattistock Fete Committee has funds which it wishes to spend on community projects then FVPC suggests that it contacts the following village organisations which are actively fundraising, as per the presentations that were given at the Annual Parish Meeting in the Savill Memorial Hall on 25th March 2024:

·       Cattistock Cricket Club

·       Maiden Newton and Cattistock Football Club

·       The Parochial Church Council of St Peter & St Paul, Cattistock

The Fete Committee might like also to consider progressing the resurfacing of the pétanque court in the Cattistock Community Space, as the current surface uses an incorrect size of crushed stone and makes the court virtually unplayable. Another potential candidate for consideration for the use of fete funds would be a contribution towards the maintenance of the defibrillator in the former telephone kiosk.

The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee updated the Parish Council on the funds that it had given to a number of groups within the community including, but not exclusive to, resurfacing the pétanque court, ensuring the telephone box was fit for use for the defibrillator and replacing any used pads and the relining of the badminton court within the Savill Hall. SP suggested that the fundraising/donations through the year needs to be communicated. The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee pointed out that in this month’s Chimes magazine there is an article stating the fundraising/donations that the Cattistock Fete Committee has carried out and was clear for all to see.

The role of the Cattistock Community Fund (CCF) was touched upon, and it was asked whether the Cattistock Fete Committee (along with the Savill Memorial Hall charity and the Dorset Knob Throwing committee, two other organisations that the Chairman of the Fete Committee is also chair/a member of) would consider using the Cattistock Community Fund as an independently governed means of holding and distributing their funds.

The Chairman of the Fete Committee stated that this would not be considered, and that the Fete Committee had already made an annual donation to the CCF.

With regards to the other three organisations that have stated that they require additional funding, the Chairman of the Fete Committee stated that donations had already been made to CCC and the PCC (though it was unclear from whether these were from Dorset Knob Throwing funds, Fete funds, or indirectly via the CCF). The Chairman of the Fete Committee also stated that CCC and MN&C FC had both blamed the demise of the previous Dorset Knob Throwing event for their struggling financial status. Councillors disputed this, stating that those organisations had not been seeking to blame others, but rather that they had said that, respectively, the merger with Symene CC and the poor weather at a summer ‘Stag Fest’ fundraising event had been the cause of their most recent problems.

The Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee insisted that a letter of apology be written by FVPC by Friday 2 August 2024.

SP thanked the Chairman of the Cattistock Fete Committee for taking the time to address the Parish Council and praised the Cattistock Fete Committee for the fundraising that it does within the community.

24/07-1 Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair
  The Chair welcomed everyone.

The Chair introduced Cllr V Kennard, who represents Chilfrome.

The Chair welcomed and introduced Cllr N Eysenck, Ward Councillor for Dorset Council. 

24/07-2 To consider the employment of a new Clerk/RFO
  The Chair advised that no applications have been received to date and will request the vacancy be reposted on the DAPTC website.

Action: SP to repost vacancy

24/07-3 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr W Lashbrook
24/07-4 To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
24/07-5 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2024
  The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed – SS

Seconded – CO

24/07-6 Matters arising from the last meeting (for information only)
  ·       SP advised that no update had been provided from DAPTC with regards to donations towards the upkeep of places of worship.

·       BS updated the Council further to his action to contact the owner’s architect. BS spoke to him on 15 May 2024 about the recent works being undertaken there by a building firm. The architect explained that they were securing potential access points to the site along the north-western boundary. The architect did say that it was not his intention for them to also close off the access to the bridleway, but he thought that it was probably a good thing that they had done so. The architect did not seem to be aware that the heras fencing alongside the road had collapsed, but was aware that the site was accessible along much of its boundary and he has informed his client of this. The architect advised the fact that Dorset Council wanted the site to be made secure at the cost of his client who was enduring 18 months of planning delays due to nitrate leaching.

Action: Cllr N Eysenck to follow up on our behalf

24/03-7 To receive report from Dorset Council (Neil Eysenck)
  Cllr Eysenck started by telling the Council about his background and his professional and personal experiences that lead him to stand for election.

Cllr Eysenck advised that in addition to being a Ward Councillor, he is Vice Chairman of the South and West Planning Committee and sits on the Audit and Governance Committee and the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee.

Cllr Eysenck went on to explain how he hopes to support the Parish Councils he represents and the wider Dorset Council residents.

Cllr Eysenck updated the Parish Council with regards to the Scheme of Delegation for planning and the changes being introduced.

24/07-8 Community Space
i. To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group

Awaiting report

ii. To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs

Awaiting report

iii. To consider hedge cutting along boundary with lane owned by Fuller’s Earth

SP explained that the Community Space Committee have asked whether the hedge along the boundary with the lane owned by Fullers Earth could be reduced in height and trimmed back to the fence within the Community Space curtilage.

Action: SP to contact the owners of Fuller’s Earth

iv. To consider if repairs are required to fencing of adjoining property

A parishioner, whose property adjoins the Community Space, raised concerns with regards to ivy growing from the Community Space which he states has caused damage to his fence.

Prior to the meeting, Cllrs inspected the ivy and the fence and observed the following:

·       The parishioner’s fence is positioned within his grounds with a narrow space between his wooden fence and the Community Space boundary fencing which is concrete post and wire stock fencing.

·       The parishioner’s fence does have some ivy growing on it; however this is minimal and on inspection, this appears to be growing between the boundary fence and the parishioner’s own wooden fence.

·       There is minimal ivy growth on the stock fencing.

It was also noted that a dead tree trunk within the resident’s garden was also covered in ivy (source not clear) which has spread along the boundary wall of the churchyard and towards the Community Space boundary. It also appears that ivy is growing in the corner of the churchyard near this boundary wall.

Having reviewed and discussed this matter, whilst the Parish Council recognises that ivy can be invasive, cause damage and is difficult to manage, the following was agreed by all:

·       The parishioner’s wooden fence is within their boundary and does not constitute a boundary fence. As the owner, he is responsible for managing the ivy growth on his property. In addition, the parishioner is within their right to cut back or remove any foliage that comes onto his property in accordance with current legislation.

·       Taking into consideration the above, as the fence is wholly within his boundary, it is deemed the responsibility of the parishioner to maintain the upkeep of his wooden fence and carry out any repairs.

·       The Community Space Committee has started non-chemical treatment on any ivy along the Community Space boundary which adjoins the parishioner’s land. This does not constitute acceptance of responsibility for any ivy within the parishioner’s boundary.

·       To clarify, neither the Community Space Committee nor FVPC are responsible for the removal of ivy or maintaining or making good any damage caused by ivy, growing between the Community Space wire stock boundary fence and the parishioner’s wooden fence.

Going forward, the Community Space will take reasonable measures to ensure ivy growth is minimised from the Community Space side of the wire stock boundary fence.

Action: SP to notify the parishioner of the outcome.

24/07-9 Financial and Procedural Matters
i. Authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting 
Payee Reason Amount £’s
Savill Hall Savill Hall Hire 20.00
DAPTC Training 40.00
  Total 60.00
  Proposed – DM

Seconded – DN

Action: SP to administer online payments for authorisation.

The Fixed Term Deposit account matured at the end of June 2024 earning £620.38 in interest. The Parish Council agreed to reinvest £20,000 for a further 2-year period.

Proposed – GB

Seconded – SS

24/07-10 Planning
i. To consider all planning applications in circulation

·       P/LBC/2024/03542 Proposal: External alterations to replace gutters and downpipe rainwater goods with cast aluminium. Location: Ivy Cottage, The Square

No objection.

·       P/FUL/2023/00953 Proposal: Installation of ground mounted solar photovoltaic array etc. Location: Land South West of Wraxall Woods

Cllrs raised objections based on the following:

o   Solar panels should not be permitted on good agricultural land.

o   Even with mitigation measures, the glare from solar panels is intense and concerns were raised that the glare from solar panels already near the proposed site can be seen from the A37.

Action: Cllrs to come back by the end of the week with final comments and SP to respond to Planning Department. 

ii. To note planning decisions received since the last meeting, or other planning matters.

·       P/HOU/2024/02102 Proposal: Clad part front elevation, side and part rear elevation Location: Willow Cottage, Meadow View (Closing date 13th May) – Permission granted

24/07-11 Highways
i. To receive any highways reports

Cllr WL requested an update prior to the meeting on Wraxall Lane.

Action: SP to follow up

ii. To receive the Transport report
24/07-12 Footpaths and Rights of Way
24/07-13 Correspondence
i. To review items of correspondence and any comments / actions
  All correspondence circulated to Councillors

No comments / actions

24/07-14 Parish Reports
i. Cattistock
  ·       GB asked DN whether he had had the opportunity to look at a dead tree on Back Lane. DN confirmed that it was in hand.

·       CO advised that works had been finished on Hedgehog Brake.

·       BS advised that he had attended the Savill Hall AGM and updated the Parish Council.

·       BS questioned whether replacement pads need to be paid for or if SWAST replace them for free.

Action: SP to contact SWAST for clarification

·       BS advised that five speed checks have been carried out each lasting 1 hour. Two were carried out by the cricket ground and three at the West End / Beech Tree Close junction. A total of 185 vehicles were monitored. There were 7 instances of speeding over the threshold of 35mph (2 incidents by the cricket ground and 5 incidents at West End / Beech Tree Close junction) with the highest speed of 37mph by the cricket ground and 38mph recorded at West End / Beech Tree Close junction. This resulted in 6 no further action and 1 first letter. The percentage shows 3.78% speeding against the average across Dorset of 2%. The Dorset Road Safe Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator will work with the Cattistock Speedwatch team to reduce this over time.

ii. Frome St Quintin
  Defibrillator – item be moved over at next meeting.
iii. Chilfrome
24/07-15 To confirm the date for the next Parish Council Meeting on Monday 30 September 2024

Meeting closed at 9.15pm