FVPC Minutes APM & AGM 04.05.2021

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and May monthly meeting held remotely via Zoom on Tuesday 4th May 2021, commencing at 7.00 pm.



Cllr Mitchell                                                        Cllr Browning                                     Cllr Palmer

Cllr McCallum                                                    Cllr Kilby                                             Cllr Stovin

Cllr Lashbrook                                                   Cllr Tosswill                                         Cllr Sennett


In Attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Ms S Falkingham (Maiden Newton and Frome Valley Transport Liaison).




Councillor Palmer welcomed everyone to the meeting.


21/030.                 Approval of the minutes of the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting

The minutes of the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting, previously circulated were duly approved.  It was noted that no Annual Parish Meeting was held in 2020 due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Proposed: Cllr Stovin                                                     Seconded: Cllr Mitchell                                                 RESOLVED


21/031.                 Democratic Period

Cllr Falkingham of Maiden Newton Parish Council, acting as the joint Transport Liaison for both MNPC and FVPC, gave an update on Transport links and usage in and around the local area.


Cllr Falkingham noted that:

  • Monthly Transport updates are produced and published on noticeboards, websites and Facebook groups, however take up of services is low and one bus service only has a single regular user. This leads to concern over viability of services.  Councillors were asked raise awareness of services with potential new service users wherever possible.  Clerk confirmed she would continue to place notices on boards and internet platforms;
  • Dorset Community Transport has some flexibility and can alter routes if there is demand to do so;
  • Trains were currently running well and the County Cars service continues to serve a few Cattistock residents (more users from other villages would be welcomed).

Cllr Palmer thanked Cllr Falkingham for her efforts.

Action: Clerk to write a piece for the Chimes to raise awareness of services available to local residents.




21/032.                 Election of a Chairman, other Officers, Committees and Representatives


  1. To elect a Chairman for 2021/22 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office

Cllr Sara Palmer was nominated as Chair.

Proposed: Cllr Browning                                               Seconded: Cllr Stovin                                                     RESOLVED

  1. To elect a Vice Chairman for 2021/22 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office

Cllr Mitchell was nominated as Vice Chair.

Proposed: Cllr Palmer                                                    Seconded: Cllr McCallum                                             RESOLVED

  1. To appoint the following:
  • Planning Lead – Cllr Mitchell
  • Footpaths and Rights of Way Liaison Officer – Cllr Lashbrook
  • Transport Advisor – Cllr Falkingham of MNPC
  • HMS Cattistock Liaison – Mr Stewart Kilby
  • DAPTC Representative – Clerk and Chair
  • Community Space Working Party – Cllr Palmer, Karen Myers, Adam Smith and Cathy Evans

Proposed: Cllr Palmer                                                    Seconded: Cllr Browning                                              RESOLVED


21/033.                 General Power of Competence

Due to having a qualified Clerk and the requisite proportion of elected councillors, the GPC could continue to be held and used.

Proposed:  Cllr Palmer                                                   Seconded: Cllr Stovin                                                     RESOLVED


21/034.                 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Harpur (personal) and Cllr Tony Alford (Clash with Dorset Council meeting).


21/035.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests

None received.


21/036.                 Minutes of the meetings held on 29th March 2021

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed: Cllr Tosswill                                                  Seconded: Cllr Browning                                              RESOLVED


21/037.                 Matters Arising

The Clerk reported that in relation to the mobile home at Sandhills, Planning Enforcement had served a Contravention Notice on the landowner, with a 21 day period for response.

A site meeting had taken place regarding the flooding at Kennel Lane/Duck Street and clearance works had been arranged to the land opposite, following which Dorset Council would arrange works to the tree area in conjunction with works to rectify the silting issues at The Square.  It was noted that the recent resurfacing to The Square would have to be dug up for these works.

Cllr Browning reported that the bus shelter could benefit from a clean up at some point.


21/038.                 Community Space

Cllr Palmer reported that:

  • The weekly inspections had continued;
  • See saw and zip wire sleeve covers needed replacing;

Action: Clerk to ask inspector to replace (quarterly inspection due in next couple of weeks).


21/039.                 Financial and Procedural Matters                            

  1. To consider the report of the internal auditor 20/21
  2. To approve the Annual Governance Statements 20/21 & Exemption Certificate
  3. To approve the Accounts and End of Year Bank Reconciliation 20/21
  4. To approve the Accounting Statements 20/21

The above items, supporting documentation previously circulated, was considered by Council and items a-d proposed/seconded/resolved en bloc, with no questions raised.  It was noted that, as turnover was under £25,000 for the year, the authority was certified exempt from external audit and would publish the relevant documentation to comply with the Transparency Code.

Proposed:  Cllr Palmer                                   Seconded: Cllr Stovin                                                     RESOLVED

  1. To authorise payments for goods and services received since the last meeting, including insurance renewal

It was noted that, probably due to the large number of councils holding Annual Meetings in early May, the insurance renewal had not yet arrived.  The payment of this invoice was delegated to the Clerk and Chair.

FVPC Finance Report April – May 2021
Dorset Council Precept – first instalment 28.04.21  £       5,650.00
 £       5,650.00
Payments Voucher Chq  Amount
Came & CO Insurance renewal CA121 100798
Staff Salary and expenses April/May CA122 100799  £           669.08
Dorset County Pension Fund EE & ER contributions April/May CA123 100800  £           141.36
M Harding Internal Audit 20/21 CA124 100801  £             75.00
INTERNAL Transfer to CS Account Annual budgeted Transfer CA125 100802  £           750.00
K Hussey Quarterly Inspection & Valuation fee CA126 100803
 £       1,635.44


Proposed: Cllr Palmer                                    Seconded: Cllr Mitchell                                                 RESOLVED

  1. To reaffirm Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct

Proposed: Cllr Stovin                                     Seconded: Cllr Mitchell                                                 RESOLVED

  1. To review bank mandate

Currently Cllrs Palmer, Sennett and Browning and Clerk listed as signatories.  All happy to continue and no additions made.

  1. To consider materials and finishes for new parish noticeboards at Cattistock and Frome St Quintin

To assist with the joinery pricing up the boards, Cllrs agreed both should be made of oak and of identical construction (which would be cheaper than two different designs).  Lockable design was preferred. Clerk would confirm with joiner and report prices back once available.

  1. To consider a grant request for £110 for a Dorset County flag for open gardens weekend

Members considered and agreed this request from Cllr Harpur (not present).  Cllr Sennett requested the flag also be flown on St Wite’s Day.

Proposed: Cllr Stovin                                     Seconded: Cllr Browning                                              RESOLVED

  1. To adopt a scheme of delegation

To assist with the ongoing functioning of the council whilst covid-19 restrictions are still in place now virtual meetings legislation has expired (on 7th May).

Proposed:  Cllr Kilby                                       Seconded: Cllr Palmer                                                   RESOLVED

  1. To agree a way forward with the Cattistock defibrillator replacement proposals

The Chair thanked Cllr McCallum for his work on researching the various alternatives put forward by Mr White. After consideration of the various options, a proposal was put forward to renew the existing contract with SWAST for a further four years at a cost of £2000.

Proposed: Cllr Stovin                                     Seconded: Cllr Tosswill                                                 RESOLVED

Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr White and Ambulance Trust.


21/040.                 Development Matters

  1. WD/D/19/002710 Land at George Albert Hotel, Southern Counties Leisure

Members considered this application and noted that:

  • Little had changed since the last time this application had been submitted;
  • Transport report conclusions don’t actually match the evidence available;
  • Not apparent whether police had been consulted, given the dangerous stretch of road involved;
  • Continuing concerns about light and noise pollution, also impact of rising crime levels in the nearby villages, impact of littering on local footpaths;
  • Councillors felt this was overdevelopment of the site, particularly given the area is already at saturation point with provision of tourist accommodation;
  • Queried the possible link with the recently receive application for the Definitive Map Modification Order either side of the A37 – Clerk had enquired with the planning officer, who hadn’t been aware of this.

Members concluded that they remained strongly opposed to this application and Cllr Palmer would circulate the previous response and write up additional points for submission.  The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Alford to establish if this would come to Planning Committee and neighbouring parishes (Batcome, Evershot and Sydling) to establish if they shared these concerns.

  1. WD/D/21/000095 Old Rectory, St Helen’s Lane, Chilfrome

Members considered this application and had no objections to it.

  1. P/PBA/2021/01313

Fortunes Wood Farm, Fortunes Wood, Evershot


Action: Clerk to submit planning responses as agreed.


21/041.                 Highways and Footpaths

  1. To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer

Cllr Lashbrook stated that there was nothing to report at present.

  1. To consider recent applications for Definitive Map Modification Orders:
  • T600 – Addition of a BOAT from A37 to Chilfrome Lane
  • T595 – Addition of a BOAT to A356 Toller Porcorum/Chilfrome Parishes

Cllr Palmer agreed to make enquiries with local landowners about these applications.


21/042.                 Correspondence

Noted, no questions raised.


21/043.                 Other Relevant Information

It was noted that the resurfacing works to Meadow Close in Cattistock had now been completed.


21/044.                 Arrangements for the next meeting

Clerk was asked to enquire about the availability of the main hall with a view to resuming face to face meetings w/c 26th July.


Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk 7 days prior to the meeting date.