FV Annual Parish meeting 23-05-22

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

held on

Monday 23rd May 2022

at 7.00 pm at Savill Hall Cattistock


Cattistock                                                    Frome St Quinton                                    Chilfrome

Cllr B Sennett  (BS)                                    Cllr S Palmer (SP)                                      Cllr I Mitchell (IM) (Vice Chair)

Cllr W Lashbrook (WL)                                                                                                    Cllr S Toswill (ST)





In Attendance

Mrs M Harding (Clerk) Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor)                            3 members of public


  • Welcome from Chair and Annual Report

SP welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported that it was a delight that we can now meet face to face again. The Chair thanked all the Councillors for their support throughout the year and thanks to Merrily Harpur who recently resigned as a Cllr for Cattistock and wished her well for the future.

In the year we also said goodbye to Katharine Sheehan following 7 years as Clerk who took on the role of Town Clerk for Crewkerne and welcomed Michele Harding as clerk to the parish in September.


  • Apologies: To receive apologies for absence- apologies were received and recorded from- Cllr R Kilby (RK), Cllr S Stovin (SS), Cllr G Browning (GB) Cllr D McCallum (DM)- it was noted that the meeting is still quorate with 5 Cllrs attending the Annual PC meeting.


  • Approval of the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting on 4th May 2021 via zoom– all greed


  • Speaker: To receive a report form the Community Space working party on the proposed plans for the Community Space

Patrick a trustee of the Cattistock Community Fund attended the meeting and gave a report on the proposal to install up to 4 pieces of Gym equipment in the Community space. This would be part funded by the Cattistock Community fund shared with the PC and any other grants that may be available. The total cost of the project would be in the region of £10,000. He explained that the Community Fund raises money from events held in the village for community benefit. It was felt that there is a need for this type of equipment and the group have already gathered support from residents in the village having held an open event where it was well supported, in a recent questionnaire 19 forms had been returned and supported by all who commented.

A first quote has been gathered from a company called Caloo but if the project was to go forward then 3 quotes would need to be gathered. The equipment once installed would need an annual service at a cost of £395 per year. All these details would be discussed further if the project was agreed.

The equipment would be located at the far bottom left corner below the Zip wire and could potentially be fenced off. Cllrs raised concerns regarding the Fete, but it was noted that the Fete organisers are aware and don’t have any concerns at present. It was noted that signage would need to be available warning those who use it of the restrictions for its use.

There is some S106 money which could be applied for and potentially community grants from Dorset Council this would need to be investigated. It was noted that there has been equipment recently installed at Corscombe which has been fenced and could be viewed prior to agreeing the project. The questions raised by the Cllrs were answered and Patrick was thanked for his time and effort putting this project together. The PC would consider this at the Annual PC meeting to commence after the APM.


  • To receive a report from Dorset Council Ward Councillor Anthony Alford

AA reported on Dorset Council over the last year.

  • AA thanked the health services, volunteers etc who have helped during the covid pandemic and continue to do so. The health service is under pressure and DC are encouraging residents to use the 111 service rather than turning up at A & E.
  • Dorset Council have returned to Face-to-face meetings, but the latest meeting was interrupted by protestors who glued themselves to furniture as they were protesting as a pressure group regarding climate emergency, which meant the meeting had to be reconvened in another room. This does now mean that DC have had to employ security for meetings for the future at a cost.
  • There have been solar panels installed onto buildings at 2 refuse centres in the County.
  • There is to be a change to the verge cutting regime to encourage wildflower verges, there will be less cuts and the verge cutting will be cut and collect so nutrients are not being put back into the soil and eventually the wildflowers will thrive.
  • There has been a consultation on libraries and following the results of this survey a draft strategy will be produced.
  • There is to be a tour of Britain in September and part of the route is the Coast Road (B3157) from West Bay to Ferndown.
  • The Local Plan is still being considered and the leader Spencer Flower has been in discussions with Mr Gove to consider the formulae that the government have in calculating the numbers for a new way of thinking for Dorset, these talks are ongoing.


AA commented on the Caravan sited in the parish that has still not been progressed in the appeal system, it was reported that there has been more work on the site putting in fencing and levelling up of the area. Dorset Council had explained previously that an inspector has not yet been allocated to the case.


Cllrs commented that all new builds should have Solar panels on instead of using agricultural land.


The replacement of the Sign for Holywell has been refused by highways as it is not classed as strategic, AA has tried on behalf of the PC to progress with this but to no avail, Cllrs were very unhappy with this decision but will discuss further in the PC meeting.

Cllrs asked about South Walks house being used by the NHS, it was explained that a lease has been taken to use South Walks for clinical and administration purposes. It was also reported that the Hospital has a grant of 77M to expand the hospital and this includes a multi storey car park.


Cllr Alford left at 8.10pm


The meeting then closed and moved to the Annual Parish Council meeting