FVPC minutes 24-01-22

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on

Monday 24th January 2022

at 7.00 pm at Savill Hall Cattistock


Cattistock                                                    Frome St Quinton                                    Chilfrome

Cllr G Browning (GB)                                Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair)                        Cllr I Mitchell (IM)(Vice Chair)

Cllr B Sennett  (BS)                                    Cllr S Stovin (SS).

Cllr R Kilby (RK)                                          Cllr D McCallum (DM)

Cllr W Lashbrook (WL)

In Attendance

Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor)                             no members of public


Welcome and Democratic Period

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  No members of the public were present


  • To receive apologies for absence– apologies were received and recorded from Cllr M Harper (MH), Cllr S Toswill (ST) and Mrs M Harding (Clerk)


  • Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests- To receive disclosures of interest from members on matters to be considered at the meeting- Cllr S Stovin (SS) regarding Planning Application at Frome House, Frome St Quintin


  • Minutes of the meeting held on 29th November 2021 via zoom

The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed SS                                                Seconded GB


  • Matters Arising for information from the last meeting

Land East of Sandhills – AA advising awaiting appeal judgement.

Fingerpost repair – general discussion regarding cost and viability. Agreement that no repairs to be made and Parish Clerk to contact Highways regarding installing a relevant sign to Chilfrome.


  • Dorset Council -Ward Cllr report – circulated prior to the meeting

Latest Covid 19 figures show approx. 50% reduction on previous week and reverting back to figures reported in the Autumn.

Dorset Waste Management are improving levels of recycling and composting.

Budget – 10% increase in funding for adult care, 4% increase in child services, investment in ongoing climate and housing.  Project council tax to increase by 3% which is less than inflation.

Local Plan – consultation ongoing.  Submission by Giles Watts and Michael Dower – propose no. of houses could be less and not sited on AONB and greenbelt.


  • Planning and Development
  1. To consider planning applications currently in circulation

P/LBC/2022/00252Proposal: Rebuild chimney stack, apply lime parging to internal face of flues and install two flexible steel liners. Location: Frome House

No objection – necessary repairs.


  1. To note development decisions received since the last meeting- none


  • Community Space
    1. To receive and update from the Community Space working Group

SP noted that wobbly bridge has been repaired but the wooden planks will need to be replaced before the summer.

  1. To note the weekly inspection reports- noted and ongoing. It was agreed that all Councillors and members of the Community Space Working Group will each carry out 1 month’s inspections. SP to distribute list and Inspection Form.
  2. To receive the quarterly inspection report and action any repairs-


  • Highways & Footpaths
  1. To receive an update from Rights of way Liaison Officer- none


  • Finance
  1. To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment Description Chq No Pmt No Amount
M Harding Salary/Exp Dec/Jan 100818   747.04
HMRC PAYE Dec/Jan 100817   201.59
HSBC Bank charges (Current account) DD   6.20
HSBC Bank charges (Community Space account) DD   5.00
Receipts none      

All payments were made in line with internal controls

Proposed SS                                         Seconded GB

Bank rec as at 31st December 2021 £38,298.54

It was noted that the new Lloyds bank account has now been opened and payments will now be made online, all HSBC accounts to be closed once funds have been transferred and all direct debits update to the new account.


  1. To consider the budget 2021-22 and precept 2022-23

All finance papers were circulated prior to the PC meeting.

Detail Amount Comment/Notes
Precept 11,300  Agreed no increase
Interest .14  
VAT refund   when Vat return made
Grants/Donations   none
Other/Wayleaves 8.82  
Total 11,309  
Wages 5395 32 Hours per month
Clerks Allowance 180 Heat, light, Tel, broadband
Hall hire 120 Savill room and zoom if needed
Insurance 1000 Annual Insurance
Stationery/postage/website/mileage 800  
DAPTC subs/Prof fees 410 DAPTC/SLCC/ICO/Audit fee
Training 150 Cllrs and clerk
Property maintenance 1300 Grass cutting/inspection fee/
Equipment purchase 560  
Specific reserves    
Community space equipment 750 Replacement equipment
Highways service devolution 0 none
Other capital projects 600 Finger posts/ bus shelter
Defibrillator 500 4-year lease
Grants & Donations    
Cattistock PCC Churchyard 525 Donation towards grass cutting
Cattistock PCC Clock 85 Donation to wards clock
Frome St Quinton PCC 260 Donation towards grass cutting
Chilfrome PCC 260 Donation towards grass cutting
Donations 200 Wreath and any other requests
Vat 0 Claims on vatable purchases
Total 13095  
Over/underspend (1795) Overspend to be taken from reserves

The budget and precept were agreed as above    Proposed BS                                           Seconded GM


  • Correspondence-

The correspondence list was circulated prior to the meeting, items to note:

Platinum Jubilee – Newsletter sent to all advising of plans. Discussion around whether FVPC would contribute funds.  Further information to be collated prior to decision.

Noticeboards – Parish Clerk to check with carpenter that the noticeboards will have keyholes/locks.

As part of Continued Development, all councillors are to attend a minimum of 1 DAPTC run training session per year. Training courses- within the next 6 months:

New Councillor Induction Course

David, Rachael, Sophie, Walter, Merrily

Chairman’s Course, Ian and Sara

Refresher if there is one for: Georgina, Ben, Simon


  • Items for the next meeting 28th March 2022


Meeting closed at 8.45pm