FVPC Minutes 13-05-24
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
held on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.00pm, at The Savill Hall, Cattistock
Cllr D Newman (DN)
Cllr G Browning (GB)
Cllr B Sennett (BS)
Cllr W Lashbrook (WL)
Cllr C Ould (CO)
Frome St Quintin
Cllr S Palmer (SP)
Cllr D McCallum (DM)
Cllr S Stovin (SS)
Cllr I Mitchell (IM)
Cllr V Kennard
Democratic Period- Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on agenda items.
No members of the public attended.
24/05-1 To elect a Chairman for 2024-25 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office
Cllr S Palmer elected as Chairman
Proposed: GB
Seconded: SS
24/05-2 To elect a Vice-Chairman for 2024-25 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr B Sennett elected as Vice Chairman
Proposed: GB
Seconded: DM
24/05-3 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr V Kennard
24/05-4 To receive disclosures of interests or grants of dispensation
24/05-5 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2024
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: SS
Seconded GB
Matters arising from the last meeting
Item 25/05-10 was discussed at this time.
A general discussion was held with regards to whether the Parish Council should consider grants / donations to Parish Churches. It was agreed that advice and clarity would be sought from DAPTC.
SP to contact DAPTC
To confirm the Councillors roles and responsibilities for the coming year
Planning – DN
Footpaths and Rights of Way Liaison – WL
Transport Advisor – TBC
HMS Cattistock Liaison – BS
DAPTC representative – SP
To confirm the membership of the Community Space working party – SP
24/05-8 General Power of Competence
Frome Valley Parish Council does not meet the eligibility criteria for the GPC as it does not have a qualified Clerk.
24/05-9 Community Space
To receive an update on the Community Space
None to date
Having represented FVPC at the CCF AGM, BS asked on their behalf whether Ken Hussey could include the outdoor gym equipment as part of the quarterly check due to manufacturer’s warranty coming to an end.
SP to follow up with Community Space
SP to contact Ken Hussey
24/05-10 Financial and Procedural Matters
i. To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for 23/24
ii. To approve the Certificate of Exemption 23/24
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
iii. To approve the Annual Governance Statement for 23/24
Note: As no Parish Clerk appointed at this time, Cllr G Browning to sign on behalf of Clerk.
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
iv. To approve the Statement of Accounts 23/24
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
v. To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting including the insurance renewal for 24/25
Draft Payments
Name Description Amount £’s
Mark Diment Website and domain renewal 110.00
Starboard Systems Scribe Accounts renewal 273.60
DAPTC Annual membership 293.72
Michele Harding RFO Services and audit prep 160.00
Keith Sumner Internal Audit 85.00
Total 922.32
Bank rec as at 7 May 2024 £39,291.27
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
Insurance renewal was distributed to all Councillors for review prior to the meeting. It was agreed to renew the insurance.
Proposed: CO
Seconded: SP
vi. To reaffirm Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct
Agreed as no changes required so reaffirmed.
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
vii. To review bank mandates
The current bank signatories are BS, SP and GB for the Lloyds bank accounts.
Proposed: CO
Seconded: DN
viii. To discuss donations towards repairs to Parish Churches
This item was discussed at 24/05-6
24/05-11 Planning
i. To consider all planning applications in circulation
P/HOU/2024/02102 Proposal: Clad part front elevation, side and part rear elevation Location: Willow Cottage, Meadow View (Closing date 13th May)
ii. To note development decisions received since the last meeting or other planning matters.
24/05-12 Highways
To receive highways reports.
24/05-13 Footpaths & Rights of Way
To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer
• Wooden steps by Cattistock Mill damaged.
SP to contact Rights of Way
24/05-14 Correspondence
To receive items of correspondence
All correspondence circulated.
24/05-15 Parish reports:
i. Cattistock
No update received from Community Speed Watch
Cattistock Lodge – boarding seen being installed.
Action: BS to contact the owner’s architect, Stefan Pitman from SPASE Design
Savill Memorial Hall AGM to be held at 8.00pm on Friday 30th May.
ii. Frome St Quintin
Defibrillator – SP to look into funding.
iii. Chilfrome
Ongoing issue with slippery surface at Chilfrome Lane – cyclist had to be air lifted to hospital.
SP to contact Highways
24/05-16 To confirm meeting dates for the coming year and items for the next meeting
It was agreed to continue with the last Monday of every other month.
Next meeting to be held on Monday 29th July 2024.
Meeting closed at 9.05pm