FVPC Minutes 18.01.2021
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Monday, 18th January 2021, commencing at 7.00 pm.
Cllr Tosswill Cllr Lashbrook Cllr Mitchell
Cllr Harpur Cllr Browning Cllr Sennett
Cllr J Kilby Cllr McCallum Cllr R Kilby
Cllr Palmer (Chair) Cllr Stovin
In Attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (Dorset Council).
Democratic Period
Councillor Mitchell welcomed everyone to the meeting. An update was received from the applicants of The Orchard, Chalmington on a request for an extension to their existing permission (due to expire in February 2021). Cllr Palmer clarified that the application had not yet been processed and notified from Dorset Council and was not being considered at this meeting but thanked the applicants for joining the meeting.
21/001. Apologies
21/002. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
21/003. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2020 were duly approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr D McCallum Seconded: Cllr J Kilby RESOLVED
21/004. Matters arising from Last Meeting
21/005. Dorset Council Report
Cllr Alford reported that:
- The local Covid-19 vaccination roll out was now underway;
- Parking charges review had commenced – contributions and volunteers to working groups would be welcomed, but would most affect those towns/parishes with a DC car park;
- New Dorset Local Plan consultation had now opened – mostly concentrating on areas in and around Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis, but members were urged to read and comment.
21/006. Development Applications
- Planning Applications currently in circulation:
- To note the following determinations received since the last meeting:
- WD/D/20/001643 Horchester Farm – Approved.
- WD/D/20/001151 Metford Mill – Approved.
21/007. Community Space
- To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
Cllr Palmer (on behalf of the CSWG) reported that:
- Weekly inspections had continued;
- Continued review of Covid cases locally would inform whether the play area continued to stay open;
- The Clerk had reinstalled Covid signage and Cattistock councillors were asked to monitor usage;
- To note weekly/quarterly inspection reports and action any repairs
See above. Quarterly inspection not due yet.
21/008. Highways & Footpaths
- To receive an update from the RoWLO
Cllr Lashbrook reported no major issues at present. It was reported that a mobile home had recently been located in a field at Sandhills.
- To consider issues raised by residents relating to manual grit spreading, surface water drainage and silt build up at The Square, Cattistock
It was noted that members of the public were not perhaps aware that the grit in the local kerbside bins was available for public use on the pavements and highway as required. The Clerk would raise public awareness of this via the next Chimes article. Cllr Sennett raised ongoing issues with drainage near the bus stop on The Square in Cattistock. Silt build-up was being left after the water retreats, causing additional issues with parking and accessing the bus stop. Cllr Alford agreed to raise this again with DC Highways and would personally visit after heavy rain.
21/009. Finance and Procedural Matters
- To authorise payments for goods and services received since the last meeting
Payments were authorised/receipts noted for the following:
Receipts | ||||
HSBC | Interest | £ 0.07 | ||
£ 0.07 | ||||
Payments | Voucher | Chq | Amount | |
ICO | Registration fee | CA113 | DD | £ 35.00 |
Staffing | Salary/expenses | CA114 | 100791 | £ 699.47 |
Dorset County Pension Fund | Pension EE and ER contribs | CA115 | 100792 | £ 176.70 |
£ 911.17 |
Proposed: Cllr R Kilby Seconded: Cllr M Harpur RESOLVED FOR PAYMENT
A previously circulated bank reconciliation was noted, no questions raised.
- To consider the budget and precept for 2021/22 financial year
A previously circulated budget was reviewed, having been deferred from the previous meeting. A proposal to raise the precept at £11,300 (unchanged from 20/21) was received and resolved. (NB this will have marginal variations on council tax bills as the tax base in each part of the grouped parish varies and is calculated separately in Cattistock, Chilfrome and Frome St Quintin).
Proposed: Cllr S Stovin Seconded: Cllr S Palmer RESOLVED
- To consider replacing or repairing the parish noticeboard(s)
The Clerk and Cllr Sennett reported that the parish noticeboard in Cattistock had become unusable. Due to damp, it had been impossible to prise open and consequently could not be used. Cllr Stovin reported that the Frome St Quintin noticeboard was also in a poor state of repair and Cllr Tosswill agreed to contact a local carpenter to see if repairs were possible. If either or neither board could be repaired effectively, replacement boards would be sourced. Cattistock PC notices would be placed on the bus shelter board until the new/repaired board was operational.
Proposed: Cllr S Stovin Seconded: Cllr R Kilby RESOLVED
21/010. Correspondence
Various emails circulated to members – no questions raised.
Some discussion took place about variations to some rights of way around the parish and a recent campaign by the Ramblers’ Association to keep footpaths open. (Clerk to investigate further).
21/011. Other Relevant Information
- No further issues raised.
21/012. Arrangements and items for the next meeting
The next meeting was agreed for Monday 29th March, likely to be held remotely via Zoom.
Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk 7 days prior to the meeting date.