FVPC Minutes 21.09.2020
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Monday, 21st September 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm.
Cllr Palmer (Chair) Cllr Tosswill Cllr Lashbrook
Cllr Mitchell Cllr R Kilby Cllr Stovin
Cllr Harpur Cllr Browning Cllr Sennett
Cllr J Kilby Cllr McCallum
In Attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (Dorset Council).
Democratic Period
Councillor Palmer welcomed everyone to the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.
20/030. Apologies
20/031. Proposed Co-option of members
After a brief summary from the two co-optees of their backgrounds and interest in becoming Parish Councillors, it was duly proposed to formally co-opt Jasmin Kilby (Cattistock) and David McCallum (Frome St Quintin) to the vacant positions on the Council. This leaves one remaining vacancy for a Cattistock representative. Cllr Palmer thanked Cllrs Kilby and McCallum for their interest and welcomed them to the Council.
Proposed: Cllr Palmer Seconded: Cllr Mitchell RESOLVED
20/032. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
20/033. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 27th July were agreed as a true and accurate record and would be signed without further discussion at the next face to face meeting.
Proposed: Cllr R Kilby Seconded: Cllr M Harpur RESOLVED
20/034. Matters arising from Last Meeting
20/035. Dorset Council Report
Cllr Alford reported that:
- Dorset Council continued to issue numerous Covid-19 briefings;
- Recent cabinet meetings had discussed procurement, digital platforms, low carbon initiatives and the development of partnership working to establish a southern equivalent to the Northern Powerhouse;
- Members heard that consultation on the new Local Plan had been delayed to December due to Covid-19.
Cllr Palmer thanked Cllr Alford for his report.
20/036. Development Applications
- Planning Applications currently in circulation:
- To note the following determinations received since the last meeting:
- WD/D/20/000952 Manor Farm Bungalow – Approved.
20/037. Community Space
- To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
Cllr Palmer (on behalf of the CSWG) reported that:
- Weekly inspections had continued. No issues other than the swing seat sleeves needed replacing;
- Continued review of Covid cases locally would inform whether the play area continued to stay open;
- The clerk confirmed that the play inspector would replace the middle swings and lengthen the chains at the date of the next quarterly inspection. She would also ask him to source and replace the sleeves at the same time if possible.
- a. To note weekly/quarterly inspection reports and action any repairs
See above.
20/038. Highways & Footpaths
- To receive an update from the RoWLO
Cllr Lashbrook reported that:
- There had been no response to his enquiries about refurbishing the fingerposts – if no developments by the November meeting it was agreed to consider alternatives.
Some discussion took place regarding the signage erected alongside the A37. Cllr Stovin had not had any further information from Planning or Highways and Cllr Alford agreed to ask relevant officers as it was reported that vans had once again started to be parked on the verges.
20/039. Finance and Procedural Matters
- To authorise payments for goods and services received since the last meeting
Payments were authorised/receipts noted for the following:
Receipts | ||||
BT Openreach | Wayleaves | 30.07.20 | £ 8.82 | |
£ 8.82 | ||||
Payments | Voucher | Chq | Amount | |
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal | Wreath | CA101 | 100779 | £ 50.00 |
Cattistock PCC | Churchyard & Clock | CA102 | 100780 | £ 610.00 |
Frome St Quintin PCC | Churchyard | CA103 | 100781 | £ 210.00 |
Chilfrome PCC | Churchyard | CA104 | 100782 | £ 210.00 |
M B Sennett | Keys for Community Space | CA105 | 100783 | £ 10.00 |
Dorset County Pension Fund | Aug/Sept EE & ER pension contributions | CA106 | 100784 | £ 171.94 |
Staff | Salary/expenses | CA107 | 100785 | £ 648.38 |
M Diment | Website completion | CA108 | 100786 | £ 600.00 |
£ 2,510.32 |
Proposed: Cllr Browning Seconded: Cllr Palmer RESOLVED FOR PAYMENT
It was also agreed that the Clerk would act as the second cheque signatory due to the current situation and to avoid delays with getting cheques out. She would only sign the cheques in the presence of the Chair acting as first signatory. This arrangement to be in place until resumption of in person council meetings.
Proposed: Cllr Stovin Seconded: Cllr Sennett RESOLVED
- To note bank reconciliation
A previously circulated bank reconciliation was noted, no questions.
- To consider proposed maintenance to the telephone kiosk in Chilfrome
A quote for labour was considered but felt to be on the high side, particularly since it had been painted only four years previously. Chilfrome councillors agreed to look into finding volunteers in the community willing to sand/paint and if this could be agreed, the Parish Council would then meet the cost of materials.
Action: Cllrs Mitchell and Tosswill to liaise with community and report back to council.
20/040. Correspondence
Various emails circulated to members – no questions raised. Cllr Sennett reported that he was still in contact with Dorset Council officers regarding Cattistock Lodge and the issues with the right of way. DC had confirmed that they would be serving notice on the owner to remove the hoarding in the near future. It was also notice that the planning application relating to the site had been withdrawn.
The Clerk was asked to seek updates from planning over this, and two other applications which had not progressed (George Albert Hotel and Squash Court application at Chalmington Manor).
20/041. Other Relevant Information
Members noted that:
- The new website was now live – please send any corrections to the Clerk
- Church notice board needs some attention – unsure who owns this?
- Cllr Browning now has a key for the bus station notice board.
20/042. Arrangements and items for the next meeting
The next meeting was agreed for Monday 30th November at 7pm, to be held remotely via Zoom.
Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk 7 days prior to the meeting date.
20/043. Confidential item relating to staff
Resolved to adopt the 2020/21 NALC payscales which uplifted the hourly rate for the Clerk, with effect from 1st April 2020.