FVPC Minutes 25-07-22
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on
Monday 25th July 2022
at 7pm at the Savill Hall Cattistock
Cattistock Frome St Quinton Chilfrome
None Cllr S Palmer (SP) Chair Cllr I Mitchell (IM) 4 Vacancies Cllr D McCallum (DM) Cllr S Toswill (ST) Cllr S Stovin (SS)
In Attendance
Mrs M Harding (Clerk)
Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor) 3 members of public
Democratic Period- Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on Agenda items-none
- Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair
The Chair welcomed members and guests and brought the item of the update of the Community Space outdoor gym equipment to the start of the meeting.
Mr Patrick Nelson and members of the Cattistock Community Fund attended the meeting to report on progress so far. The group have now gathered 3 quotes as required by financial regulations.
Fresh air Fitness being the preferred contractor and best value for money at £7895.00, on top of this is fencing for the area at a cost of £1200, the project total being £9095 plus vat.
The other quotes ranged from £8369 to £14,000.
It is hoped that following grant applications that £4000 may come from the DC fund, £3100 from the Cattistock shop fund, potentially £895 from the Parish Council and £900 from the Cattistock Community Fund this will then cover the costs of the whole project.
The PC will purchase the equipment. These quotes will include suitable signage and all groundworks. The work is hoped to commence in October assuming that funding is gained, when complete a launch event will be arranged with QR codes to show people how to use the equipment.
AA commented that he had been contacted reference to the grant application and gave positive feedback.
The group were thanked for their time and progressing with this project and left the meeting at 7.15pm
- To receive apologies for absence– apologies were received and recorded from- Cllr W Lashbrook (WL) Cllr B Sennett (BS), Cllr G Browning (GB)
- To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting –none
- Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 8th June 2022
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed DM Seconded SP
- To receive any matters arising for information only – none
- To receive a report from Dorset Council (Tony Alford)
AA reported on the new National standards of building control to incorporate climate change friendly buildings. There will be new ventilation schemes to conserve energy and prevent overheating, all new properties will require an electric charging point. Cllrs asked will there be standard charging points, AA explained it will be up to the developer to decide this. Cllrs also commented on other methods of electricity including solar panels on roofs of new builds and nuclear power. AA noted that it will be up the developer and households to decide how they will meet these new criteria as not all new developments will be in suitable locations for solar panels other options could be air and ground source heat pumps.
AA also reported on the libraries strategy which will be produced in the Autumn.
The verges maintenance system is now on the Dorset Explorer site.
Cllrs noted that there are still issues with the planning system and the online portal.
- To consider a drive to Co-opt new Councillors
Cllrs were reminded of the dates of the future meetings for attendance at these meetings. It was agreed to write a piece for the Chimes in the Cattistock section and Facebook to try to gain interest in the vacancies in Cattistock parish, IM would ask a few that may be interested. Cattistock Cllrs would be asked to canvas in the village.
- Community Space
- To receive an update on the Community Space and any costs of maintenance
Reported earlier in the meeting
- To encourage more volunteers onto the Community Space Group
It is hoped that more volunteers might come forward with the interest in the new Gym equipment, this will be followed up. Also, when more Councillors are co-opted this would share the load.
- To consider the latest inspection reports.
The tyres require some new surfacing, a company is aiming to provide a quote.
The climbing frame has some planks of wood that need replacing, Ken Hussey will be asked to look into this for the PC.
The PC with the lack of volunteers now will ned to look at outside contractors for repairs and maintenance in the Community area in the future, at a cost the to the PC.
- Finance and procedural matters
- To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment | Description | Voucher No | Amount |
Starboard Systems | Accounts package | 10 | 392.40 |
M Harding | Salary/Exp | 14 | 767.72 |
DAPTC | Training | 15 | 205.87 |
Dorset Council | Dumpy Bag Cattistock and FstQ | 16 | 156.00 |
I Wigglesworth | Internal Audit | 17 | 75.00 |
Savill Hall | Hall Hire | 18 & 19 | 48.00 |
`Receipts | |||
Interest | 0.04 |
All payments were made in line with internal controls Proposed SS Seconded TS
Bank rec as at 30th June 2022- £37,417.60
- To update on the investment of funds- following the issues reported with United Trust Bank not accepting Parish Council’s at this time, it was agreed to take out a Fixed term deposit of £15000.00 with Lloyds at 2% interest for 12 months.
Proposed DM Seconded IM
- To consider obtaining a copy of a death certificate for Graham Browne
SP explained that there is an account with funds belonging to Frome St Quintin parish prior to becoming a group council, this account needs to be accessed but the signatories of the account are either currently not well enough or have recently passed. In order to obtain the death certificate to gain access to the funds the PC will request and pay for a copy for the bank. When this money is transferred it will be ringfenced for Frome St Quintin village. A copy of the grouping order for Frome Valley parish Council will be requested from DC.
SS has the old minutes books and some papers pertaining to Frome St Quintin parish which may have information the Parish Council may need; The Clerk will look at the records to see what may be noted to assist with the identification of the signatories and other important information for the parish.
- Planning and Development matters
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation- none
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting–
- DM commented on the planning application at the George Albert and the response to the PC’s objections. Cllrs considered the transport assessment and felt a further response was required to note the additional movements during the day. The Council feel that the number of proposed units is far too many for this site given its location and the necessity for holiday guests to enter and exit the site daily to travel whilst on holiday. DM will look at the transport assessment again, SP will provide documents to the Planning Authority. The Clerk will gather traffic and speed results for the road between Evershot and Grimstone.
- The PC had received emails regarding the Premise Alcohol Licence at The Orchard, Chalmington. Cllrs discussed the issues raised by some residents on the licencing process and the number of licences that have been applied for, there was confusion over the licence being inside the Tap room as this is against a planning constraint, but the events are not deemed to be inside at this time. It was noted that the PC are not consulted on these types of licences, and they are normally just granted by DC.
Whilst the pub in Cattistock has been closed the Orchard has become a meeting place for locals, this may change when the pub reopens this may change. Residents could contact Environmental Health if this is causing a disturbance but until then the PC will monitor the situation and ask those concerned to be vigilant and keep evidence if the licence is breached.
- The mobile accommodation sited at Frome Farmhouse was discussed and prior to referring this to enforcement SS will speak to the property owners for an update on its siting.
- Highways
- To confirm the costs of the new finger post at Higher Chilfrome- quotes had been gathered by IM and a further quote from Normtec who carry out the work for the DAONB with grants from the CPRE, a resident had also offered to assist with financing the sign the costs would be in the region of £300 depending on materials available or those that may be collected from the DC site in Charminster. This was agreed the Clerk will place the order.
- Sign at Holywell- DM noted that this still needs to be replaced, the clerk will contact the DC sign shop for a quote.
- Footpath and Rights of Way- none
- Correspondence- previously circulated
- Parish Reports- Cattistock, Frome St Quintin and Chilfrome parishes- IM noted that the filling of potholes was a poor job.
- To confirm the items for the meeting on the 26th September
New Councillors, Outdoor Gym equipment
Meeting closed at 8.45pm