FVPC Minutes – 25/11/24 (Draft)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Monday 25 November 2024 at 7.00pm at the Savill Hall, Cattistock


Cattistock                                            Frome St Quintin                     Chilfrome

Cllr B Sennett (BS) (Vice Chair)         Cllr S Palmer (Chair)              Cllr I Mitchell (IM)

Cllr C Ould (CO)                                 Cllr D McCallum (DM)             Cllr V Kennard (VK)

Cllr W Lashbrook (LW)


3 members of the Cattistock Community Speedwatch Group (NC, SB, FF)


Cllr G Browning

Cllr D Newman

Cllr S Stovin

Cllr N Eysenck (Dorset County Councillor)

Democratic Forum

3 members of the Cattistock Community Speed Watch attended the meeting to provide Cllrs with a summary and an update following a countywide conference on Saturday 5 October 24 held at Winfrith, discuss statistics and future operations.

SP confirmed that all Cllrs had been sent NC’s reports.

NC stated that the CCSW commenced following an approach to the FVPC by residents and, following initial training the scheme became fully operational earlier this year. The main aim is to raise awareness of speeding. NC went on to advise the following:

The volunteers operate with a basic speed detection device to monitor drivers exceeding the speed limit. The device does not take photos, and the results do not result in a fine. Instead, a warning letter is sent by the police to the registered keeper of the vehicle, notifying them that their vehicle was seen to be exceeding the legal speed limit. The aim of the letter is to make drivers think of their speed and in future to drive within the limits.

At the County Wide Conference on Saturday 5th October, the Dorset CSW Operations Manager highlighted that county wide, the CSW schemes have been a success, highlighting a significant reduction in the numbers of fatal, killed, seriously injured and slight injuries. For individuals, the reduction in fatalities and seriously injured has seen a reduction in the impact on family, friends and colleagues; and likewise on emergency personnel in severe cases.

The cost reductions have also been significant in respect of ‘at the scene’ resource and the wider economic impact to the workplace and the public. Each fatality costs around £2.5m.

In respect of response rate, county wide 13,000 1st Warning letters were issued in the last year, with just 2% of drivers receiving a 2nd. Only 16 serious follow ups were needed by the Police.

The conference also discussed Cameras and other Traffic Calming measures. Fixed cameras are too expensive for a small village like Cattistock, costing £80k – £100k. Mobile cameras are more cost effective and as a fully fledged CSW scheme, we do get the benefit of the occasional visit by a Police Tru-Cam van.

Other Traffic Calming measures that some residents have called for are also too expensive in small rural settlements. The 1st 20mph zone in Dorset cost £250k. Speed humps are costly, often difficult to install and not always effective.

One option that could be considered for Cattistock is a Speed Indicator Device (SID), as is used in Broadmayne and Frampton.

The proportion of drivers speeding through Cattistock is low. Generally, most drivers don’t deliberately speed and when they do it’s often due to a lack of concentration. Our observations at the roadside indicate that we are reminding people of the need to slow down. The statistics do not show it, but we see people slow down – the slight dipping of the bonnet of an approaching car.

Perception is often an issue, particularly for pedestrians. When you’re walking at 2/3mph a car passing even at 20mph can seem very fast.

A number of sessions were cancelled due to rain, and wet road conditions. Far more were cancelled than took place. The weather this year has been problematic! Similarly, sessions can only take place when there is good visibility.

For safety reasons, the police designate the locations for the sessions and stipulate the direction of travel. Currently these are at Cattistock Cricket Ground (either direction) and Beech Tree Close (Northbound only). We are awaiting Police approval for a third location in the vicinity of the square following request from residents and we will update FVPC on this in due course.

Ideally, we need a team of 4 for each session. As often happens in small communities, the volunteers tend to be people who have a wide range of commitments, and their simultaneous availability can prove challenging. We need to recruitment more volunteers.

There were 2 session in June – about half of what we wanted to do.

The team held their first CSW session on 20th March 2024.

7 sessions have been completed in total (7 hours in time)

3 sessions were NIL returns (no speeders)

278 vehicles have passed by the team in this time and 6 speeders have been identified with 3 letters being sent.

Highest speed across both sites in the 30 limit was 38 mph.

TRUCAM visits x 2

(14/05/2024   60 mins training session and 16/10/2024 60 mins on Maiden Newton Rd  0 offences)

It also highlighted the use of mobile phones and that agricultural vehicles are not displaying number plates.

In trade vehicles, eg car dealerships are not sent letters due to no registered owner.

SIDs have proved effective in other villages. A SID complements a CSW as it can operate in the wet and serves as permanent reminder. One SID can also be easily moved to a different pre-set location.

First step, in order to persuade Highways, the CCSW needs to establish whether the community supports the concept. To assess this, we need views of horse riders, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, agricultural vehicle drivers, as well as car/van drivers.

To obtain this the CCSW are proposing a consultation in the form of an explanatory leaflet for each household with a response section. Awareness in advance will be by via the village Website, the Chimes, and the Community WhatsApp and Facebook groups. The leaflet would be distributed sometime in January/February.

NC asked if FVPC would support the CCSW contacting residents in this way.

No objection given by Cllrs.

IM pointed out that it can be 2 sided. Those going too slow can frustrate other drivers who then overtake.

NC confirmed the leaflet will also cite the likely costs, currently in the region of £5k,

SO asked what the criteria would be of the percentage of respondents. NC acknowledged that it was unlikely they would receive 100% response rate, but of those who do respond, ideally 80/20, however 60/40 would be considered.

NC advised the leaflet will also suggest ways that it could be funded if there’s a consensus that a SID would be appropriate. Such options could include a 50% application to the Cattistock Community Fund (CCF), who would require evidence of community support, as well as various fundraising events.

The SID will also require Highways Authority consent for both type approval and siting location. They will also require evidence of community support and how it would be funded.

NC confirmed that without community support and self-funding it is unlikely a SID would be installed, but the CCSW would be in a stronger position if 80% of residents are in support and raise fund ourselves.

BS stated that the CCSW have not yet established whether one is needed as, to date, there is not enough data.

NC confirmed that the CCSW are still continuing to carry out speed checks.

A general discussion was held with regards to what actions need to be taken and in which order, including a traffic survey using rumble strips.

It was also suggested that the CCSW consider delaying the application for a SID to:

  • Enable more speed checks to be carried out, thereby increasing data gathered.
  • Provide a much better statistical understanding of whether speeding is an issue.
  • Identify areas where and times when speeding is more frequent and focus on these areas.
  • Consider new initiatives eg Safer Streets & Roads in Dorset – 20mph

BS recommended that the CCSW liase with the Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator at Dorset (PNN) Police for guidance.

NC thanked FVPC and agreed that the CCSW would consider what was discussed.

SP thanked the CCSW for attending and providing an update.

25/11-01          Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair

SP welcomed everyone to the meeting.

25/11-02          To update on appointment of a new Clerk / RFO

SP confirmed that two applications had been received and interviews will be taking place on Wednesday 4 December 2024.

25/11-03          To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies received from;

Cllr D Newman, Cllr G Browning, Cllr S Stovin and DCC Cllr N Eysenck

25/11-04          To receive disclosures of interests or grants of dispensation.


25/11-05          To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 30 September 2024

The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed – CO

Seconded – VK

25/11-6            Matters arising from the last meeting – for information only

BS had noted building works at The Old Stable, Manor Farm. SP confirmed that planning permission had been granted for an extension in May 2022.

25/11-7            To receive a report from Dorset Council

                        None – Cllr N Eysenck sent apologies for absence.

25/11-8            Community Space

  1. To receive an update from the Community Space group

Awaiting update

  1. To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs

Report distributed to all Cllrs and Chair of the Community Space Committee

BS advised that he had been approached by an individual who would be happy to rebuild the body for the springer.

Action: SP to contact KH to confirm that this would be acceptable and if necessary seek approval from insurance company.

25/11-9            Financial and Procedural Matters

  1. To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting.


            Name Description Amount £’s
M Harding RFO Services – Oct 80.00
K Hussey Community Space Q3 Inspection 70.00
C Evans Community Space Expenses 21.32
B Sennett Cattistock Bus Refurb Expenses 75.19
Cattistock PCC Churchyard and clock maintenance 610.00
Frome St Quintin PCC Churchyard maintenance 260.00
Chilfrome PCC Churchyard maintenance 260.00
RBL Wreath Donation 50.00
Savill Hall Room Hire for Meeting 20.00
Total 1446.51

 Proposed – DM

Seconded – VK

Action: SP to administer online payments                     

  1. To consider the Budget and precept for 2025/26

In addition to the proposed 5% budget increase, the following was discussed and agreed:

  • Staff training to increase by £1000 to allow for new Clerk training.
  • Grant funding – £2000 to be ring fenced for repairs to the Cattistock church clock. (Note; the original quote has expired and awaiting revised quote from Cumbria Clock Company.)
  • Defibrillator – £2000 for contract renewal.

Proposed – CO

Seconded – IM

Action: SP to update RFO with agreed amendments

BS advised that he had received an update from Cattistock PCC, namely:

  • Seeking additional grant funding from the Erskine Mutton Trust;
  • Awaiting Quinquennial Report findings;
  • Reviewing impact of recent changes to VAT.

BS advised that the grant funding agreed is for repairs to the clock dial drive and not the clock face. It has been proposed that as the current clock face requires restoration, the PCC consider replacing it with a replica of the original that was damaged by fire in the 1944. The PCC will enquire as to whether the new dial drive will be sufficient to drive the dial of the proposed replica.

25/11-10          Planning

  1. To consider all planning applications in circulation


  1. To note development decisions received since the last meeting or other planning matters.
  • Cattistock House, West End – Re-build chimney two chimney stacks to existing dimensions and design, application of lime parging to internal face of flue and installation of flexible steel liner. construct supporting buttress to west elevation. No decision to date

25/11-11          Highways

  1. To receive any Highways reports


There was a general discussion with regards to road work/maintenance signage, especially road closure signs.

Action: To be carried over to next meeting

  1. To receive the Transport report

None received.

25/11-12          Footpaths and Rights of Way

To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer

No update

25/11-13          Correspondence

Correspondence circulated to Councillors

25/11-14          Parish Reports

  1. Cattistock

BS advised that he had written to the Planning Enforcement team re The Old Moss Farmhouse, Sandhills to follow up on 2 separate issues:

  1. Breach of Agricultural Occupancy
  2. No planning permission obtained for use of cabin as holiday let.

At the meeting on 30 September 2024 the Cattistock editor of The Chimes and asked whether a summary of the key points of the minutes of the FVPC meetings could be placed in The Chimes as it was difficult to go on to the website to read them each time.

It was confirmed that minutes cannot be altered.

SP asked FF to email FVPC and she would confirm dates of the next meetings.

SP advised that dates of meetings, agendas and minutes are posted on the FVPC website and also on the noticeboards.

  1. Frome St Quintin
  • Installation of defibrillator

Action: S Stovin to investigate whether funding from S106 can be used.

  • Chilfrome
  • Installation of defibrillator

As Frome St Quintin


25/11-15          To confirm the date for the next Parish Council Meeting on Monday 27 January 2025


Meeting closed at 8.30pm