FVPC Minutes 27-11-23

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on Monday 27th November at 7.00pm at The Savill Hall, Cattistock




Cllr C Ould (CO)

Cllr D Newman (DN)

Cllr G Browning (GB)

Cllr B Sennett  (BS)


Frome St Quinton

Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair)

Cllr D McCallum (DM)



Cllr S Tosswill (ST)

In Attendance    
Cllr A Alford (AA)

(County Councillor)

3 members of public  






  Democratic Forum
  P/FULL/2021/ 01497 – Angel Autoparts, Wardon Hill

Removal of existing 10m lattice tower. Erection of 30m slimline lattice tower supporting 6 no. 2.5m x 0.55m antenna apertures , 2 no. 0.6m dishes, 7 cabinets and meter cabinet within a 10m x 10m compound formed of 1.8m high chain link fencing with a 3m wide double access gate and development ancillary thereto.


A member of the public raised concerns over the above which is located adjacent to land owned by a family member at Wardon Hill. These concerns are, in summary:

·       Breach of Planning Policy due to no neighbour consultation at planning application stage by the applicant, nor the Planning Department.

·       Potential breach of planning approval with regards to the location and size of the communication mast.

·       Impact on AONB and wildlife.

·       Discrepancies in AONB response.

·       Contamination of land owned by family member.

·       Devaluation of property owned by family member.


Action: Member of the public to submit a formal complaint to Dorset Planning Department and update the Parish Council on progress.

Action: Parish Council to review the planning application, decision letter and any associated planning conditions.


20mph Scheme

The Parish Council invited members of the public to attend the meeting to discuss the 20mph limit scheme that was raised last year.

BS gave a member of the public a Community Speed Watch leaflet that gave information on how to set up the scheme. BS explained that the equipment can be borrowed initially with the option to purchase should it prove viable to do so. In addition, should a group be formed and finds people speeding, it would provide the evidence needed to progress further towards a 20mph limit. BS advised that this scheme is proven to have a positive effect on drivers who break speed limits as there is evidence that second and third advisory letters significantly reduce in number.


Action: Member of the public to canvas volunteers to set up a Community Speed Watch. Update Parish Council on progress and findings.


23/11-1 Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair
  The Chair welcomed everyone and, following her resignation, thanked Mrs M Harding for her time as Clerk for the FVPC.


23/11-2 To consider the employment of a new Clerk/RFO
  The Chair confirmed the vacancy had been placed on the DAPTC website and that each Parish noticeboard should also display the vacancy.


The Chair advised that Mrs M Harding had reached out to 3 other Clerks in the area, but they are unfortunately unable to apply for the vacancy at this time.


In the absence of a Clerk it was agreed to share the role as follows:

·       Finance, emails, agenda and minutes – SP

·       Facebook/website – GB

·       2024 Upcoming election and AGM – CO liaising with BS re key dates

·       Annual Parish Meeting – BS


Action: Cllrs to identify and encourage potential applicants within their Parishes. Consider other recruitment opportunities eg. Local newspaper, recruitment agencies.


23/11-3 To receive apologies for absence
  Apologies received from:

Cllr S Stovin

Cllr I Mitchell

Cllr W Lashbrook


23/11-4 To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
  Prior to the meeting, DN declared a personal interest in following planning applications:

·       Larkham Farm

·       Hill Barn, Jenny’s Cottage


23/11-5 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2023
  The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed – DN

Seconded – DM


23/11-6 Matters arising from the last meeting (for information only)


23/11-7 To receive report from Dorset Council (Tony Alford)
  1.  This month saw the launch of the Home Upgrade Grant in Dorset, a government-

funded scheme helping homeowners and landlords improve the energy efficiency of their



Through the scheme, households who do not use mains gas for heating, are on a low

income, and have a low energy rating could be eligible for grants for energy-saving



The 2 year programme is being delivered by Ridgewater Energy on behalf of Dorset

Council, BCP Council and Public Health Dorset, and can cover measures like loft and wall

insulation, heat pumps, double glazing, low energy lighting, and solar panels.


To qualify, homes need to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D, E, F

or G, must not use mains gas for heating, and have a low income.


To meet the criteria of a low income, households must receive a means-tested benefit, have

a combined income of less than £31,000 before tax, or live in an eligible postcode area.


Residents can check whether they are eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant or other support

available, by contacting Healthy Homes Dorset via their website or by free phoning 0300

003 7023.


2. Our Dorset, the Dorset Integrated Care System, has signed up to trial an innovative

new product – the Milbotix SmartSocks – which can help sense when people with dementia

or autism are in distress.


The socks, which track heart rate, sweat, temperature and motion, aim to enable those

caring for people to intervene before issues escalate.


The familiar design of the product is intended to increase acceptance for people who may

find using wearables overly complex, uncomfortable and/or stigmatising. The socks can be

used in care homes and people’s own homes to help them live independently for longer.

They look and feel like normal socks, are machine washable and have received positive

reviews in early testing.


Dorset Council is one of a handful of local authorities that will pilot the smart socks in care

homes, where Artificial Intelligence AI-driven data can give carers vital early warnings before

falls and allow them to intervene before anxiety escalates.


3. Dorset Council will welcome comments about the location and suitability of local

polling stations.


4. Carbon emissions from council owned buildings have reduced by over 20 per cent in

one year thanks to a major retrofit programme financed by a grant from central government.


5. The latest round of Community and Culture Project grants is now open for

applications. The grants, which are managed by Dorset Council, welcome applications for

projects and events for community, arts, accredited museums, heritage, sport, youth, play

and physical activity.


Cllr Alford also informed the Parish Council of the opportunity for General Power of Competence.


23/11-8 To update on the election dates for 2024 in preparation for a Parish Meeting
  Action: CO to review DAPTC Election Toolkit


23/11-9 To consider EV charging points in the village funded by Dorset Council
  The following was considered by the Parish Council:

·       Need for EV charging points – how many residents have electric vehicles and are EV charging points necessary.

·       Location of EV charging points – where is the most convenient location and would the limited parking be further restricted.

·       Aesthetics of EV charging points – impact on street scene.

Having considered the above, the Parish Council agreed not to apply for EV charging points at this time, however it would review its position should there be an increase in demand.


23/11-10 Community Space
i To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
  Awaiting report


ii Update on the entrance gate
  DN confirmed that the new latch is currently being adjusted to fit the gates as they do not align.


iii To consider the repairs to the Zip Wire as per service report
  Mr Zip Wire carried out a service on the zip wire and confirmed that it was generally in a good state of repair, however the spring brake is broken.

Mr Zip Wire provided a quote of £1022 + VAT to repair the spring brake. This cost was agreed by the Parish Council.

Proposed – GB

Seconded – DM


Action: SP to contact Mr Zip Wire and instruct them to carry out the works.


iv To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs
  Latest inspection report circulated to all Cllrs.



23/11-11 Financial and Procedural Matters
i Authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting


Payee Reason Amount £’s
Mr Zip Wire Zip wire service 240.00
Michele Harding Salary/Expenses

Final pay including back pay and holiday pay



HMRC PAYE 533.16
Ken Hussey Play area inspections 70.00
DAPTC Training 7.50
Savill Hall Hall hire 20.00
  TOTAL 2,176.01
  Bank balances as of 26 November 2003 £35,668.69


Proposed – BS

Seconded – DM


Action: SP to administer online payments for authorisation.


ii To consider the budget and precept for 2024/25
  Cllrs reviewed the proposed budget and precept. The budget was approved, and it was agreed to increase the precept by 5% from £11,300.00 to £11,865.00.

Proposed – BS

Seconded – DM


Action: SP to update precept and submit to Dorset Council no later than 31 January 2024.


11/23-12 Planning
i To consider all planning applications in circulation

P/NMA/2023/06332 – Angel Autoparts, Wardon Hill

Non material amendment for information only

P/HOU/2023/05143 – Hill Barn, Jenny’s Cottage, Norden Lane, Maiden Newton

No objections

P/PABA2/2023/06754 and P/PABA/2023/06141 – Larkham Farm

No objections

P/HOU/2023/05732 – Chilfrome House, St Helens Lane, Chilfrome

A general discussion was held which questioned why Chilfrome House is not listed and that the current structure, which is to be demolished, is far more in keeping with the property than what is proposed. In addition, the planning application states that the structure cannot be seen from the road or a public footpath. This is incorrect as it can be seen from a public footpath.

Action: SP to submit an objection


ii To note planning decisions received since the last meeting, or other planning matters.

P/FUL/2023/03738 – Squash Court at Chalmington Manor



11/23-13 Highways
  To receive any highways reports
  ST updated the Parish Council with regards to flooding at Helen’s Lane and action taken by Highways Department.  ST advised that flooding continues to be an issue around Chilfrome and that the tunnel under St Helen’s Lane remains blocked.  ST advised that residents have contacted Highways Department to report the issues and have met with representatives.


Action: ST to provide regular updates on progress.


11/23-14 To receive the Transport report


11/23-15 Footpaths and Rights of Way


11/23-16 To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer


11/23-17 Correspondence
  To review items of correspondence and any comments / actions
  No comments or actions


11/23-18 Parish Reports
i Cattistock
  BS has been in touch with the Captain of HMS Cattistock and received positive feedback with regards to maintaining close links.

BS advised that he will forward the Community Speed Watch leaflets to the additional 2 members of the public who showed an interest last year in setting up a 20mph limit.


ii Frome St Quintin
  No further action has been taken with the tree in Frome St Quintin.


Land Registry documents have been received showing ownership of land around the spring.

Action: DN and SP to liaise.


iii Chilfrome


11/23-19 To confirm the agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting on 29 January 2024
  Any requests for agenda items to be submitted to the Clerk, or Chair in Clerk’s absence, no later than 19 January 2024.


Meeting closed at 9.30pm