FVPC Minutes 28-03-22

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on

Monday 28th March 2022

at 7.00 pm at Savill Hall Cattistock


Cattistock                                                    Frome St Quinton                                    Chilfrome

Cllr G Browning (GB)                                Cllr D McCallum (DM)                             Cllr I Mitchell (IM) (Vice Chair)

Cllr B Sennett  (BS)                                                                                                           Cllr S Toswill (ST)





In Attendance

Mrs M Harding (Clerk) Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor)                            no members of public


Welcome and Democratic Period- The Vice Chair welcomed Cllrs to the meeting, but no public were in attendance.


  • To receive apologies for absence– apologies were received and recorded from- Cllr R Kilby (RK), Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair), Cllr S Stovin (SS), Cllr W Lashbrook (WL), and M Harper who had resigned as a Councillor for Cattistock prior to the meeting, if there are no requests for an election by 16th April the Council will be in a position to co-opt. It was noted that there are already 2 vacant seats in Cattistock. Cllrs commented that there needs to be a drive to recruit Cllrs to the vacant seats.


  • To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting –none


  • Minutes of the meeting held on 24th January 2022

The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed BS                                                Seconded IM


  • To receive any matters arising for information only – none


  • To consider the draft recommendations for the CGR Community Governance Review by Dorset Council to reduce Cllr numbers in the parish of Chilfrome from May 2024

The grouped Parish Council had not requested any changes to the current numbers or boundary of Frome Valley PC but Dorset council in their draught proposal has suggested that Chilfrome parish be reduced to 1 councillor as from 2024. Councillors were not in support of this change and agreed to oppose this and submit these comments to Dorset council. Councillors were also asked to submit comments on an individual basis and encourage residents to do the same. Councillor Alford commented that some parishes have requested changes to boundaries but many of these are not possible as they affect ward boundaries.

Proposed IM                  Seconded DM

  • Finance and procedural matters
  1. To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment Description Voucher No Amount
Baker Joinery Notice board deposit CA157 612.00
Savill Hall Annual Hall hire fee CA158 96.00
HSBC Bank Charges CA161 5.80
DAPTC Training CA162 98.00
K Hussey Play inspections/Repairs CA163 155.00
M Harding Salary/Exp months 11 & 12 CA164 747.04
HMRC PAYE 11 & 12 CA165 214.44
K Sheehan Back pay CA166 27.20
Baker Joinery Bank charges (Current account) CA167 1122.00
Receipts Interest   .02

All payments were made in line with internal controls

Proposed SS                                         Seconded GB

Bank rec as at 28th February 2022 £36,532.54


  1. To agree to close the HSBC bank account and transfer the final funds to the Lloyds account

This was agreed – Proposed DM                  Seconded ST


  • Planning and Development matters
  1. To consider planning applications currently in circulation

No applications in circulation but the following have been considered since the last meeting and no objections raised.

i)- P/PADM/2022/00350Proposal: Demolition of garage Location: Rockforge Duck Street Cattistock

ii)- P/LBC/2022/00550 Proposal: Alterations to facilitate the repair and raising of chimney height Location: 754 The Square

iii)- P/HOU/2022/00516 Proposal: Remove Conservatory and erect part single/part two storey side extension with balcony. Location: 13 Meadow View

iv)- P/HOU/2021/05690 Proposal: Erect Single storey extension. Install flush solar panels to south roof slope. Location: The Old Stable

v)- P/HOU/2022/00679 Proposal: Erect replacement single storey rear extension Location: Ramsay Cottage, West End

It was noted that the Council no longer carries out neighbour consultations or notifies Parishes of application decisions and it is now up to the applicant to put up the notice at the application site.  There needs to be another way to inform the residents of planning applications. The Council will consider putting this information into the Chimes. Or putting notices up when applications arrive.


  1. To note development decisions received since the last meeting

The enforcement appeal on the caravan at sandhills is still waiting for an inspector to become available.

BS asked on behalf of WL for the Council to consider the issues of agricultural ties on properties to ensure these are still meeting their conditions and ask Dorset Council planning if there have been any changes since 2017 when one of the properties on the list was last investigated. The Clerk will contact the enforcement officer to request this is looked into and maintain this list going forward.

  • Highways and Footpaths
  1. To receive an update from Rights of way Liaison Officer

IM asked if the old railway is now open again. Also why is this project being continued when there are still some landowners not supporting and allowing access. The rangers had responded to say that the access path is open again following resurfacing, but they wanted to let the new surface bed in. The project has been ongoing for more than 10 years and is being funded by an individual and sustrans so is not funded by DC, DC are involved to ensure all legal matters are dealt with correctly. It is hoped that this landowner will eventually allow access when the benefits of the route can be seen. IM explained the issue was there was only 3 days’ notice of closure, and it is a well-used path.


  1. To receive any highways issues

The PC had received an email from a highways officer from Sherborne to ask the PC to repair the village sign for Holywell as it is a Parish responsibility, the PC rejected this claim as this is an essential sign and not a pretty village sign. DM had taken pictures of the back of the sign made by Dorset County Council’s sign shop. AA was asked to assist the PC with this issue. The Clerk will write back to the highways officer explaining this is an essential sign and to ask them to repair it.                                       Proposed IM                Seconded DM


  • Community Space
  1. To receive an update from the Community Space working group and consider the proposals for new fitness equipment

The Council considered the installation of the proposed fitness equipment. Although the play inspector expressed concerns at installing this equipment in an area with younger children’s play equipment, Cllrs felt that the project needs to be aired and considered fully. The PC will contact Dorchester TC to ask for information as they had this kind of equipment installed in Alexandra Gardens and are looking to update it. If the equipment cannot be located in the community space, then another location would be looked into. It was agreed that the PC will ask the Community Space working group to speak at the Annual Parish meeting on the project.

  1. To note weekly and quarterly inspections reports, findings, actions/review rota

Play inspections have been submitted and filed for insurance purposes. It was noted that the reports are sent in each month but carried out weekly. These are filed on the PC computer.


  • Dorset Council- Ward Councillor report

Cllr Alford reported on the following items:

  1. Parking charges have been increased, it has been at the same level for many years, coins machines are no longer accepted, it is now cards and mobile apps. BS asked if shops and traders had been asked about this raise. AA explained that no they hadn’t but they would probably have voted against it and the costs needed to rise.
  2. The Council have appointed a new officer to deal with economic growth for Dorset.
  • There is a grant available for volunteer organisations who support vulnerable people
  1. Also, a capital grant fund of between £1,000 and £25,000, to fund up to 20% of a project.
  2. There is now a local heritage list which parishes can list assets of importance. The lists would be an active, evolving record of assets with heritage significance. Cllrs asked what the benefit of the list is, further information can be found on this on the DC website.
  3. South walks House is now surplus to requirements due to working from home and is currently being used by NHS for health services.
  • The Planning department have been behind with land charge searches but are now catching up.
  • The Glover review regarding landscape scenery is now out for consultation. This covers the issues of greenlaning and motor sports in the countryside. A link will be supplied to Cllrs for information and comment.
  1. The Council are working on climate, ecology and emergency and are being assisted by an expert from Cornwall money for this is being supplied from central government.
  2. BS commented that the toilets in Dorset Council owned buildings have been changed to unisex and was this cost effective. AA commented that toilets in the town would have been a Dorchester TC decision not Dorset Council but did not offer a comment on those located within the Dorset Council buildings.


  • Correspondence-

The correspondence list was circulated prior to the meeting, items to note:

  1. GB reported on the meetings with other parish reps on the health care issues at maiden Newton Surgery- GB reported that a meeting has been held with local parishes of Frampton, Maiden Newton, Toller Porcorum and The Compton’s. The group are coordinating the dissatisfaction of residents. Some of the issues are communication, staff, pharmacy, and the e-consult process. This is being collated prior to an arranged meeting with Ammonite to raise the issues. The PPG (Patient Participation group) was initially involved but this line of communication has stopped. The group are also writing to Chris Loder MP for his support. It was also noted there is no longer any anti natal care at Maiden Newton surgery. Inevitably it is the CCG (Clinical commissioning group)who monitors the health care provisions. GB was thanked to taking this forward.
  2. The School Transport consultation is now open for anyone who wishes to make comments by 3rd
  3. Higher Wraxall Solar Park proposal- A presentation was held on 24th March at Toller Porcorum VH, this is not yet an application but is in a parish with no Parish Council. If this is approved there is funding available for community projects to the value of £14000 that could be applied for.
  4. NALC smaller councils committee letter, issues can be raised with NALC on topics that affect smaller councils, issues that may be raised such as the practice of planning consultations. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter with the issues that affect the Parish Council and planning.
  5. DM asked why the Council tax bill was less for the PC precept, it was explained that the precept was not increased, and the reduction could be due to more homes paying the tax.


  • Items for the Annual Parish Council meeting on 23rd May and make arrangements for the Annual Parish Assembly

Items for the Chimes- Cllr Vacancies, community space proposals, Parish Plan


Meeting closed at 8.55pm

Meeting closed at 8.55pm