FVPC Minutes 28-11-22
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on
Monday 28th November 2022
at 7pm at the Savill Hall Cattistock
Cattistock Frome St Quinton Chilfrome
Cllr G Browning (GB) Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair) Cllr I Mitchell (IM)(Vice)
Cllr B Sennett (BS) Cllr D McCallum (DM) Cllr S Tosswill (ST)
Cllr W Lashbrook (WL)
Cllr C Ould (CO)
Cllr D Newman (DN)
2 Vacancies (Cattistock)
In Attendance
Mrs M Harding (Clerk)
Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor) 4 members of public
- Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair- SP welcomed all Cllrs and members of the public to the meeting.
Democratic Period- Ten-minute period prior to the Council meeting for members of the public to raise issues or comment on Agenda items-
A member of public asked if the Council would support the new Dorset Council policy for 20mph speed limits in villages. The village meets the criteria with a play area and no pavements or streetlights. There could be an argument against this with the additional signage, but roundels could be painted on the road instead, he explained that many in the village would support it.
Also noted, Wessex Internet are looking at enabling the community with fibre broadband, 85 properties and businesses are needed to sign up for a subsidised installation, there could be benefits of free Wi-Fi to the village hall if this is installed. The PC were asked if they could support and advertise this within the village. Cllrs would need further information on this in order to promote it.
Another resident also supported the 20mph schemes specifically near the entrance to the Football field. There are also issues with parking in this location on match days. A further resident reiterated the 20mph limit and added cyclists use this route as it is on the National cycle network, she suggested the 20 is plenty scheme that other villages have adopted.
Members of public were thanked for their comments and the meeting resumed
- To receive apologies for absence– Sophie Stovin
- To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting –none
- To consider the Co-option of Councillors for the 4 vacancies in Cattistock Parish
The Council was expecting a candidate but they did not turn up so this will be deferred.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2022
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting and signed.
Proposed GB Seconded CO
- To receive any matters arising for information only – none
- To receive a report from Dorset Council (Tony Alford)
AA had supplied a report prior to the meeting and reported on:
- Project and event funding for cost-of-living challenges, arts, museums, heritage, community, physical activity and play activities. Dorset Council project funding can help to make a difference to people living in our communities. Grants from £1,000 to £5,000 are available to groups who support the council to meet its core priorities.
Round 4 of the Community and Culture Project Fund opened on Friday 4 November 2022.
- The time Dorset Council takes to complete land charge search requests is back to within ten working days. Local land charges searches are made when buying a property. Search requests are generally made by purchasers, through their solicitors or search agents. A year ago, the average amount of time to return these searches had risen to 62 days. This delay was caused by the huge surge in the housing market coupled with staff vacancies.
- Housing advice and support for Homes for Ukraine guests. If guests are leaving or need help finding new accommodation, we ask that they contact our Ukraine response team: ukraineresponse@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
- Opportunity for youth organisations to apply for funding. Dorset Council has a fund of £100,000 for initiatives which deliver youth projects and activities within the Dorset Council area. It will offer grants from £500 to £5,000 to support a range of activities for young people.
- 20mph -Dorset’s town and parish councils can now apply online for 20mph speed limits and zones, following the introduction of a new policy. Schemes will need to meet certain requirements, and there should be community support
- On 3rd December Free parking will be available in car parks managed by Dorset Council at Beaminster, Blandford, Bridport, Dorchester, Gillingham, Lyme Regis, Shaftesbury, Sherborne, Sturminster Newton, Wareham, Weymouth and Wimborne.
- AA also supplied information on Bin collections over the Christmas period
Cllrs asked why only one day of free parking, AA explained that some towns are offering more than one day but it is a business initiative for locals.
- Community Space
- To receive an update on the Community Space outdoor gym project
The outdoor gym equipment has now been installed and the fencing. Safety inspections are being carried out by volunteers. The contractor did a great job. A launch is being planned for 2023. The PC have yet to receive the final invoice from the company. The volunteers were thanked for all they have done, the project looks amazing.
- To consider the quote for resurfacing- only 1 quote had been received
Only 1 quote gas been received at a cost of over £5500 further quotes will be gathered.
- To consider the latest inspection reports or maintenance.
The inspection reports had been reviewed with the following comments:
- The goal posts and nets – following a discussion it was agreed to remove the nets for now and monitor the area. The nets will be passed to the Chair of the community space group. Action WL
- The entry gate should open inwards so children cannot escape onto the road- ongoing.
- There is now an external sign noting the management of the play area.
- The bench around the tree needs to be repaired
- Parish Council Assets
- Update on the Bus Shelter refurb
The refurb of the bus shelter is to start in the spring with a team of 4 volunteers and funded by the fete committee, thanks were given from the Parish Council.
- Update on the Land by the spring
The Council has now concluded that the land by the spring is not registered with Land registry, and it is known within the village that this land was dedicated for the benefit of the parish. Local residents have maintained the area and there is a jubilee bench located on the land. The Parish Council will look to register this land as a parish asset in order to protect the area, a valuation of the land and land searches will need to be carried out in order to do this. DN will assist with the valuation of the land, clerk to action. Proposed SP Seconded DN
- Finance and procedural matters
- To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment | Description | Voucher No | Amount |
Mr Zipwire | Zip wire service | 33 | 200.00 |
Fresh Air Fitness | Outdoor Gym deposit | 34 | 4737.55 |
Staff Costs | Salary, expenses, PAYE | 35,36,38,39,45,46 | 1318.98 |
Normtec | Finger post | 37 | £198.69 |
DAPTC | Training | 40 | 9.00 |
Dorset Council | Holywell sign | 41 | 341.18 |
Savill Hall | Hall hire | 42 | 20.00 |
RBL | Poppy donation | 43 | 50.00 |
HMS Cattistock | Donation | 44 | 196.70 |
Sign Services south | Signage on community space | 47 | 14.40 |
Receipts | |||
LLoyds | Interest | 0.89 | |
Donation | Community space | 4000.00 | |
BT | Wayleaves | 8.82 |
All payments were made in line with internal controls Proposed GB Seconded DM
Bank rec as at 31st October- £38,745.81
- To consider the Budget and Precept 2023-24
A budget calculation and potential precept report had been circulated to Cllrs for consideration, this included a new contribution for Country Cars of £40 per annum for the cost of a mobile phone. The Council considered and updated the:
- Asset register
- Financial risk register
- Summary of payments and receipts for 2022-23
- Consider Budget and precept for 2023-24
Draft budget payments for 2023-2024 of £13316.00
Precept is £11300.00
A budget deficit of £2016 is to be taken from general reserves.
General Reserves fund is currently £15023.56
Specific reserves for earmarked projects is currently £21826.40
The Council considered the precept for 2023-24 and agreed no increase at this time being mindful of the increase in cost of living and the need to ensure reserves are not reduced too low. Therefore, the precept is to be set at £11300 for a further year Proposed GB Seconded CO
- Planning and Development matters
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation-
P/NMA/2022/07241– Manor Field Frome St Quintin Dorchester DT2 0HF-Nonmaterial amendment to replace first floor render finish with wood cladding. Remove wood cladding around front door to planning permission P/HOU/2021/05268 (Raise height of existing roof to provide first floor accommodation and install solar panels. Erect 1 1/2 storey rear extension with balcony (demolish single storey extension). Apply render and cladding to walls. Extend and alter existing outbuildings. Replacement windows).
No objections raised as for info only
P/FUL/2022/06234 Proposal: Demolition of modern garage and internal walls of former squash court. Reconfiguration of parking to build a detached 3-bedroom cottage on the site where a cottage historically- No objections
P/HOU/2022/06949 Proposal: Erect extensions to form new bedroom and garden/hobbies room, with new porch. Cladding to front gable and internal alterations. Addition of Solar Panels and Air source heat pump. Location:8 Beech Tree Close- No objections
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting
Land East of Sandhills WD/ENF/21/00016- enforcement has been dismissed
The Warden Hill development is to be considered by committee in due course, Cllrs commented on the only reason for refusal being the risk of contamination.
Cllrs asked AA why the application was not automatically put to the planning committee for decision, AA explained that all applications are deemed for officer decision unless Parish Councils and the officers deem it necessary to meet the scheme of delegation then the Ward member and chair of planning discuss the application and make recommendations based on Parish Council views.
SP noted that she is working on a comment for the application with further comments before a date has been announced for the committee meeting date.
- Highways
The finger arm at Higher Chilfrome has been repaired, the sign at Holywell has been replaced.
The Council discussed the request by residents the need to a 20mph limit in the village.
Dorset Council now have a policy to cover the reduction to 20mph limits depending on criteria set out. Cllrs noted that there are issues of parking at times so this naturally slows traffic down, but sometimes it is very difficult for tractors and cattle lorries to travel through the village. There are also no pavements.
Cllrs agreed to consider this further after looking into the criteria at the January PC meeting.
- Footpath and Rights of Way –the bridleway on Back Lane has further fly tipping of garden waste, it is also very overgrown, this will be reported to rights of way to clear, and a letter will be sent to all residents in the area if this continues.
- Correspondence- report previously circulated
GB reported on a further meeting with Ammonite staff and parish reps to be held on the 13th December, it was noted that the new telephone system is not working as it should also they are now working on the setting up of the PPG.
- Parish Reports- Cattistock, Frome St Quintin and Chilfrome parishes- none
- To confirm the items for the meeting on the 23rd January 2023
20 mph schemes
Meeting closed at 8.11pm