FVPC Minutes 29.03.2021

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Monday 29th March 2021, commencing at 7.00 pm.



Cllr Mitchell                                                        Cllr Browning                                     Cllr Palmer

Cllr McCallum                                                    Cllr Kilby                                               Cllr Stovin

Cllr Lashbrook                                                   Cllr Harpur                                          Cllr Tosswill


In Attendance

Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (County Councillor), 4 members of the public.


Democratic Period

Councillor Palmer welcomed everyone to the meeting.


A member of the public raised the issue of a mobile home located at Sandhills.  It was noted that over 70 days had passed since it had arrived and Planning Enforcement had not responded to any requests for information from either the Clerk or Cllr Alford.  It was agreed to write a formal letter of complaint to the lead officer and request confirmation of all actions taken and a timescale for progressing the case further.


Three further members of the public were in attendance and spoke regarding the planning application for an extension of time for the mobile home at The Orchard in Chalmington.  One of the applicants stated that:

  • They had applied for an extension as the pandemic had meant that multiple business activities had been curtailed, preventing them from reaching financial viability within in the initial period of permission;
  • No other aspects of the previous applications were included in this simple request for an extension.

Members of the public also present commented:

  • That while they appreciated all businesses had been impacted by the pandemic, they wished the Parish Council to consider that there had been an initial delay of 14 months with the development of the site;
  • Also, that there were discrepancies between the originally proposed and actual mobile home built. Comments were also made regarding sewerage, drainage and noise.

Councillor Palmer thanked everyone for their contributions.


21/018.                 Apologies

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Sennett (personal).


21/019.                 Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests

Cllr Browning declared an interest by virtue of her employment with the agents of The Orchard planning application and would not be participating or voting on this matter.


21/020.                 Minutes of the meetings held on 18th January and 11th February

Both sets of minutes were approved without change.

Proposed: Cllr G Browning                                           Seconded: Cllr S Stovin                                                                  RESOLVED


21/021.                 Matters Arising

In response to a question about the proposed refurbishment of the noticeboards, the Clerk reported that she had contacted the joinery who would be assessing both boards in due course for repairs.


21/022.                 Higher Authority Report – Dorset Council

Cllr Alford said that he had nothing specific to report, but a number of updates for items scheduled on the agenda.


21/023.                 Development Matters                  

  1. WD/D/20/003226 – The Orchard, Chalmington

Members considered this application to extend the permission period for the mobile home on the site.  Some discussion took place, and comments made included:

  • A shorter period of time than three years for the extension might be an acceptable compromise;
  • Recognition that the past year and even current circumstances had been exceptionally tough for all businesses;
  • The applicant clarified that the three years was an industry standard extension period, rather than a personal timescale.

A proposal to support an extension period of up to eighteen months was put forward.

Proposed: Cllr R Kilby                                    Seconded: Cllr D McCallum                                         RESOLVED by 7 votes in favour of the proposal.

  1. WD/D/20/003230 & 3231 – Chalmington Manor, Chantmarle Lane

Members noted that much had been improved from the previous submission of this planning application several years ago.  It was noted that the proposed appearance and styling were significantly better.  However, concerns remained about the area allocated for the parking of three cars and the manoeuvring of these vehicles out onto a very busy agricultural road.  It was proposed to submit comments to the effect that although the councillors were broadly in favour of the revised building plans, objections to the parking and access arrangements on safety grounds remain.

  1. To receive any updates regarding the mobile home located at Sandhills

See Democratic Period (above).


21/024.                 Community Space

  1. To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group

Cllr Palmer welcomed Cathy Evans, who had agreed to become a part of the Working Group.  Cllr Palmer outlined the function and remit of the working group and it was agreed to meet in the near future.

  1. To note weekly inspection reports and action any findings

Cllr Palmer reported that she had continued to conduct the weekly checks, with nothing major to report at present.

  1. To note quarterly inspection report

Not yet due.  The Clerk reported that she had requested an up-to-date insurance valuation of the play equipment from Ken Hussey at a cost of £45.


21/025.                 Highways and Footpaths

  1. To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer

Cllr Lashbrook stated that there was nothing to report at present.

  1. To receive any updates on:
  • Drainage at The Square, Cattistock

Cllr Alford reported that the first drainage channel had apparently been cleared, but isn’t channelling water away effectively due to the blockage in the second channel.  It was noted that the first channel was beginning to silt up again, meaning that the work undertaken would be a false economy should the subsequent works to the second channel not be carried out.

Action: Clerk and Cllr Alford to chase Highways about possible site meeting/identification of a budget for these works.

  • Flooding issues at Duck Street/Kennel Lane

Cllr Alford reported that the DC Flood Management team were keen to raise the issues of riparian responsibilities, but had otherwise passed the matter to Highways.  A new site meeting would now be arranged following the Highways Officer’s return to work.

Action:  Clerk to contact all relevant parties to ascertain availability for a site meeting.

Some discussion took place about the apparent placing of garden waste in Back Lane.  Cllr Harpur agreed to take a closer look and report back to the next meeting.


21/026.                 Financial and Procedural Matters

  1. To authorise payments for goods and services/note receipts and bank reconciliation
HSBC Interest  £             0.07
 £             0.07
Payments Voucher Chq  Amount
Mark Diment (SitemarkD) Website hosting/domain renewal CA117 100794  £           80.00
Misterton Parish Council Share of SLCC subs CA118 100795  £           33.20
Dorset County Pension Fund EE/ER contribution CA119 100796  £        176.70
Staffing Salary/expenses CA120 100797  £        668.46
 £        958.36


Proposed: Cllr R Kilby                                    Seconded: Cllr M Harpur                                                              RESOLVED

Bank reconciliation and list of reserves held noted, no comments made.

  1. To approve revised asset register for year ending 31st March 2021

An update asset register was circulated.  The Clerk queried the location of ’12 seats’ listed under street furniture.  Agreed to leave on at present until more information could be ascertained.

  1. To note that Dorset Council intends to conduct a Community Governance Review later this year

Members were reminded that this review would take place in the later part of the summer, giving an opportunity to present ideas about the current set up of the parishes and their representatives.  The Clerk was asked to put this on the next agenda for further discussion.

  1. To consider options for replacing the Cattistock defibrillator in the telephone kiosk when the current contract with SWAST ends

Members considered options received from Mr White; including the renewal of the SWAST contract for a further four years lease, or to purchase a unit outright.  Members recalled that the package had originally been preferred as it included all servicing and software updates and thus reduced the burden on volunteers.   Cllr McCallum agreed to ask Emergency Service colleagues for information on preferred units and whether units can be useful after initial four year period.

  1. To consider a proposal to fund and locate a defibrillator in the telephone kiosk in Frome St Quintin

Members considered the above proposal, noting that there may well be interest in providing one for Chilfrome and possibly even other smaller villages in the Grouped Parish area.  It was noted that some areas had poor mobile signal, which was key to being able to ring for the defibrillator access code.  As it would be difficult to ensure sufficient coverage in less densely populated areas, it was agreed not to proceed with the provision of defibrillators outside of Cattistock at the present time.

  1. To consider a request for funding from the Willdoes Youth Bus Project

Members agreed to keep grant funding for more local projects.


21/027.                 Correspondence

The Clerk reported a request to have the bus shelter painted and cleaned.  Cllrs Browning and Harpur agreed to look at the condition and report back.


21/028.                 Other Relevant Information

Members noted that Dorset Council would be the relevant authority to report trading/licensing and planning permission issues to.


21/029.                 Arrangements for the next meeting

Members noted that the legislation for virtual meetings was expiring on 7th May.  Advice from NALC and DAPTC was to hold meetings early and to adopt a scheme of delegation to ensure business continuity.  Face to face meetings could hopefully resume once the social distancing requirements are relaxed.  With this in mind, the AGM, Parish Meeting and a brief May meeting was scheduled remotely for Tuesday 4th May (Monday being a bank holiday) at 7pm.


Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk 7 days prior to the meeting date.