FVPC Minutes 29-1-24

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

held on Monday 29th January at 7.00pm at The Savill Hall, Cattistock



Cllr C Ould (CO)

Cllr D Newman (DN)

Cllr G Browning (GB)

Cllr B Sennett  (BS)

Cllr W Lashbrook (WL)


Frome St Quintin

Cllr S Palmer (SP) (Chair)

Cllr D McCallum (DM)

Cllr S Stovin (SS) 


Cllr S Tosswill (ST)

Cllr I Mitchell (IM) (Vice Chair)


Cllr A Alford (County Councillor)




  Democratic Forum
  No members of the public attended the meeting.
24/01-1 Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair
  The Chair welcomed everyone.
24/01-2 To consider the employment of a new Clerk/RFO
  The Chair advised that no applications have been received to date.

It was discussed and agreed that the vacancy would be placed in The Chimes magazine.

Action: SP to prepare an advert to be placed in The Chimes.

24/01-3 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr A Alford (County Councillor)
24/01-4 To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting
24/01-5 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2023
  The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed – GB

Seconded – CO

24/01-6 Matters arising from the last meeting (for information only)
24/01-7 To receive report from Dorset Council (Tony Alford)
  1.      From mid-afternoon on 4 January to the morning of 5 January 2024, highways crews were called out 82 times to deal with the impact of significant rainfall across our area.

The crews, typically two multi-skilled people, cleared gullies and drains – if the blockages could not be cleared, flood warning signs were erected.

There were emergency pothole repairs where possible, or if they could not be fixed immediately, barriers and cones were put in place.

Crews are equipped with chainsaws and were able to clear trees and branches. Contractors were called in to deal with more dangerous or larger trees.

Call outs and the works required varied from 30 minutes to many hours, depending on the scenario. With the amount of call outs received in the short space of time, this did cause delays to our response, and we thank residents and businesses for their patience while we got crews safely to sites.

We also attended, at the request of Dorset Police, road traffic collisions to clear debris and spillages, and support traffic management as required.

The 24-hour highways line is 01305 221020.

2.      A new grant scheme aimed at supporting local communities to plant and care for trees in their area is now open for applications.

The Dorset Community Tree Fund is open to community organisations in the Dorset Council area. This includes parish and town councils, as well as schools and other established community groups interested in planting and caring for trees in their patch.

Trees play a crucial role in our natural world, from providing homes for wildlife to tackling climate change. However, planting the wrong tree in the wrong place can have a negative impact on local wildlife, communities, and landscape.

Unlike traditional tree planting schemes, the Dorset Community Tree Fund goes beyond just providing grants for trees. It also offers support for the planning and design phases of planting projects.

3.      Residents, businesses and visitors are being invited to share their views on what they consider to be the big transport opportunities and issues across the whole of Dorset.

The survey covers a range of transport related topics, such as:

·       Improving transport in rural areas and reducing congestion

·       Ensuring all ages and abilities can access services

·       Making it easier for people to be more physically active

·       Providing more opportunities for affordable, available and accessible public transport

·       Helping people feel safer on our roads and on public transport

·       Improving digital and real-time travel information

This work plays an essential role in helping the councils understand the different transport needs of the diverse communities who live and work in Dorset.

24/01-9 Community Space
i To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
  Awaiting report
ii To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs

Mr Zip Wire has carried out the repair to the zip wire brake system.

  Latest inspection report circulated to all Councillors.

DN confirmed that the new latch has now been fitted to the gate.

iii BS raised concerns over whether the village and/or playing field committee want a 6’ x 5’ notice board left clamped to the railings as it is large and obtrusive. The noticeboard is predominantly used for Cattistock Fete Week and may also get damaged if left out in the weather.

Action: SP to contact Fete Committee re concerns.

24/01-10 Financial and Procedural Matters
i Authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting
Payee Reason Amount £’s
Mr Zip Wire Zip Repair to zip wire (deposit) 257.40
Mr Zip Wire Repair to zip wire (balance) 1029.00
Savill Hall Hire of Savill Hall 20.00
Ken Hussey Community Space inspection 70.00
  Total 1376.40
  Bank balances as of 11 January 2024 £35,808.00

Proposed – SS

Seconded – DM

Action: SP to administer online payments for authorisation. GB to authorise.

24/01-11 Planning
i To consider all planning applications in circulation


ii To note planning decisions received since the last meeting, or other planning matters.

P/FUL/2023/00953 – Wraxall – under Officer consideration

P/HOU/2023/02325 – Quintin’s Gap, Frome St Quintin – granted

24/01-12 Highways
i To receive any highways reports


ii To receive the Transport report
  Circulated to all Councillors
24/01-14 Footpaths and Rights of Way
24/01-15 Correspondence
  To review items of correspondence and any comments / actions
  All correspondence circulated to Councillors

No comments / actions

24/01-16 Parish Reports
i Cattistock
  ·       SP has requested an update from Planning Enforcement with regards to the holiday lets near Sandhills.

·       BS advised that the bus stop is starting to flood again. There is concern that possibly the drain is blocked or collapsed under the road following utility works in the middle of the road.

Action: BS to provide SP with a summary. SP to contact Highways.

·       BS advised that the path behind the Savill Hall is still obstructed.

Action: SP to contact Savill Hall Committee.

·       BS advised that the Community Speed Watch initiative is progressing and that volunteers have started their training.

·       BS circulated an email from a member of the public regarding documents relating to the closure of Cattistock School.  The member of the public proposed that these documents are taken to the Dorset History Centre where they can be preserved. It was agreed unanimously to support this proposal.

Action: BS to contact member of the public informing them of FVPC’s support.

·       GB updated Councillors on Maiden Newton Surgery advising that 2 new doctors have been appointed and that the surgery is hoping to open 5 days a week.

ii Frome St Quintin
  ·       No further action has been taken with the tree in Frome St Quintin.

Action: SP to follow up

·       Spring

Action: DN and SP to liaise.

iii Chilfrome
  ·       ST advised Councillors that the roads around Chilfrome are in a bad state of repair, especially following recent flooding. IM advised that Highways, on request, had been very polite and efficient in dealing with the floods on the roads from Chilfrome to Cattistock and to Maiden Newton.

Action: SP to contact Highways

24/01-16 To confirm the agenda items for the next Parish Council meeting on 25th March 2024
  ·       It was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting at 6.00pm on Monday 25th March 2024, followed by the Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm.

Action: SP to confirm Savill Hall. BS to prepare advert for The Chimes.

·       It was agreed to hold the Annual Meeting of Council on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.00pm, to be followed by the Parish Council Meeting.

Action: SP to confirm with Savill Hall.

·       Any requests for agenda items to be submitted to the Clerk, or Chair in Clerk’s absence, no later than 15 March 2024.


Meeting closed at 8.20pm