FVPC Minutes 29-11-21
Minutes of the Parish Council held
on Monday 29th November 2021,
at 7.00 pm via zoom
Cattistock Frome St Quinton Chilfrome
Cllr G Browning (GB) Cllr S Palmer (Chair) (SP) Cllr I Mitchell (IM)(Vice Chair)
Cllr B Sennett (BS) Cllr S Stovin (SS). Cllr S Tosswill (ST)
Cllr M Harpur (MH)
In Attendance
Mrs M Harding (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (AA)(County Councillor) 1 member of public
Welcome and Democratic Period
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting on zoom. 1 member of the public was in attendance.
The member of public spoke on the current planning application for Cattistock Lodge- conversion of residential dwelling into 7no dwellings and associated parking. The resident gave some history to the house itself and how it came to be left in such poor repair. The property is empty and unsafe. The resident raised concerns on this application regarding the access especially as this would be via a bridleway. The Chair thanked the member of public and took the views of Cllrs on this application which was confirmed under planning item.
- Apologies for absence-apologies were received and recorded from Cllr W Lashbrook (WL) Cllr R Kilby (RK) Cllr D McCallum (DM)
- Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests- To receive disclosures of interest from members on matters to be considered at the meeting-None.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2021
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed SS Seconded MH
- Matters Arising for information from the last meeting
- a) The fingerpost repair IM had gathered some quotes for both plastic and cast-iron letters, a grant could be available from AONB, Clerk to send the contact details to IM. Cllrs discussed the options of hard or soft wood finger arms. This will be followed up by IM.
- Dorset Council -Ward Cllr report – circulated prior to the meeting
Cllr A Alford attended the meeting and had provided a report
Notes from Cllr A Alford 29 November 2021
- Latest Covid 19 figures over a 7 day period. Case rate per 100,000 – 587.4 (Previous week 525). High!
- We have cleared the planning validation backlog which means planning applications are now being validated within a few days of receipt. Validation is the first stage in the planning application process which checks whether all the right information has been submitted before being added to the planning register.
- The Visit Dorset team are launching its redeveloped and redesigned website to support the recovery of the tourism sector.
- A Dorset Council managed fund helps ‘not for profit’ community groups or cultural groups that are looking for funds. These groups can be museums, community, sports or arts organisations. The fund can award up to £5,000 towards a project.
If locally, there is a sports, arts, or community-based project that is looking to deliver in the next 12 months for the benefit of the community, details about how to apply are on the Dorset Council website.
- The comments that were received during the first consultation of the Draft Dorset Council Local Plan have been published on the council’s website. You can see them at https://wa.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/LocalPlanDCComments/pages/View.aspx
- Completion of the Phase 1 electric vehicle (EV) ChargePoint installation programme.
Phase 1 has seen the installation of 42 charge points (sockets) in 21 locations around the County and includes 5 replacement rapid chargers. Use of the charge points has exceeded expectations and saved 51,000 kg in CO2e emissions when compared with petrol or diesel vehicle use.
- Dorset Council has submitted its bid for the Government’s Bus Back Better £3 billion fund to revitalise the nation’s bus services.
Bus Back Better – Dorset Policies, Better network coverage and scale, better integration between modes, Better and clearer information, Better journey time reliability, Better value and integrated fares
Better vehicle standards and lower emissions.
- Dorset Council has launched a public consultation to inform how they develop and deliver their library service in the future. Library users and non-users are being asked to share their views. The consultation runs from 25 October 2021 to 7 January 2022 and is available online.
- Dorset Council-owned town centre car parks will be free on Small Business Saturday (4 December) in Beaminster, Bridport and other towns.
- A consultation has started about an update to the Public Space Protection Order in Bridport (and separately in other places}. It is about preventing anti-social behaviour.
- An inspection by Ofsted has confirmed that the overall effectiveness of Dorset Council Children’s Services to be of a “good quality and are continuing to improve” and that the council has delivered “an impressive pace and effectiveness of change, in the context of a pandemic and Local Government Reorganisation in 2019.”
IM- commented on the issues with the car park charges because the metres were not able to take cash, and suggested they ought to have been covered up but the Council had to decided that the majority do have telephones and had to consider the loss of revenue.
BS- asked for an update on the use of the Dorset Council building in South Walks- AA commented that some health services have set up in the building for office and treatment space short term at the moment this is due to the reduction of space in the hospital with works being carried out. Nothing has been agreed but will see if health services can use more of the building in the future, this is still being considered. BS asked if there is any intention to use the building for the use of DC, AA explained that when DC was established there was thought that the South Walks house could be used but due to covid and the way of working has changed and many work from home now this will not be used for DC purposes. BS commented that this building has been placed on a large car park and it wasn’t necessarily wanted, but the costs need to be recouped.
- Planning and Development
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation
P/FUL/2021/01882- Cattistock Lodge, Maiden Newton Road- conversion of residential.
Cllrs raised concerns about the access, the number of parking spaces for 25 cars. The use of the bridleway for access to the site. Concerns raised on the 7 flats planned for the site, this was felt to be too many for this development.
The Parish Council does not object to the redevelopment of the main house at Cattistock Lodge, however it cannot support the conversion of the outbuildings into 3 additional units which it determines increases density and subsequent potential for overlooking and reduces the available amenity area by making the courtyard into a car park.
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting-
SS asked about the caravan located at Sandhills, no further updates at this time, AA noted that he and the PC had been in receipt of the same emails from enforcement. This has been discussed since Christmas 2020. AA noted that one of the difficulties with an enforcement process you have to deal with it by due process but will follow this up.
IM raised a concern over the ownership of the site but AA was sure that DC would follow the details up via the enforcement issues.
- Community Space
- To receive and update from the Community Space working Group
SP noted a new member on the community space working group, there is an issue with the wobbly bridge and some bearings. Cattistock Cllrs to take a look and ensure the tape around the equipment is still in place.
- To note the weekly inspection reports- noted and ongoing
- To receive the quarterly inspection report and action any repairs- reports are in, netting is an issue, but new goal posts and netting is not able to happen at this time.
- Highways & Footpaths
- To receive an update from Rights of way Liaison Officer- none
- Update on consideration for signage on side of Community Space to prevent parked vehicles blocking access for neighbouring properties-
Track between Chilfrome and Wraxall there is a gateway the wet is so wet you cannot walk through this without boots. The owner of the land maintains the land their land if this does have. Refer this online to DC pictures would help. Simon Tosswill
- Finance
- To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment | Description | Chq No | Pmt No | Amount |
M Harding | Salary/Exp (including laptop) | 100818 | 1150.40 | |
HMRC | PAYE | 100817 | 201.59 | |
Ken Hussey | Play inspections | 100816 | 70.00 | |
RBL | Donation | 100819 | £50.00 | |
Receipts | ||||
Dorset Council | Precept | 5650.00 |
All payments were made in line with internal controls
Proposed GB Seconded RK
Bank balances as at 31st October 2021 £39735.46
- To consider the budget 2021-22 and precept 2022-23
All finance papers were circulated prior to the PC meeting. The Clerk reported on the asset register, the only addition is the new laptop. It was noted that the asset values stay as the purchase cost until disposed of. The Financial risk register was also considered and updated.
The Council considered the contribution to the RBL wreath, this would be based on the donation made in the previous year.
The budget was then considered see details below:
Receipts | ||
Detail | Amount | Comment/Notes |
Precept | 11,300 | To be considered |
Interest | .14 | |
VAT refund | when Vat return made | |
Grants/Donations | none | |
Other/Wayleaves | 8.82 | |
Total | 11,309 | |
Payments | ||
Wages | 5395 | 32 Hours per month to be noted |
Clerks Allowance | 180 | Heat, light, Tel, broadband |
Hall hire | 120 | Savill room and zoom if needed |
Insurance | 1000 | Annual Insurance |
Stationery/postage/website/mileage | 800 | |
DAPTC subs/Prof fees | 410 | DAPTC/SLCC/ICO/Audit fee |
Training | 150 | Cllrs and clerk |
Property maintenance | 1300 | Grass cutting/inspection fee/ |
Equipment purchase | 560 | |
Specific reserves | ||
Community space equipment | 750 | Replacement equipment |
Highways service devolution | 0 | none |
Other capital projects | 600 | Finger posts/ bus shelter |
Defibrillator | 500 | 3 year lease |
Grants & Donations | ||
Cattistock PCC Churchyard | 525 | Donation towards grass cutting |
Cattistock PCC Clock | 85 | Donation to wards clock |
Frome St Quinton PCC | 260 | Donation towards grass cutting |
Chilfome PCC | 260 | Donation towards grass cutting |
Donations | 200 | Wreath and any other requests |
Vat | 0 | Claims on vatable purchases |
Total | 13095 | |
Over/underspend | (1795) | Overspend to be taken from reserves |
It was noted that as this is being considered by a virtual meeting but the budget and precept will be confirmed at the face-to-face meeting in January 2022.
- Correspondence
The correspondence list was circulated prior to the meeting
Items to note:
- Dumpy bag orders have been placed, awaiting a delivery address.
- A request from a resident in Holywell parish regarding the boundary to be considered as part of the community governance review with Evershot Parish.
- Clerk to follow up on the notice board order
- GB noted that a resident in the village is looking for an affordable home, the resident would be reminded to sign up on the Dorset Council housing register.
- SP spoke on the revised planning application for her property which was previously refused, all immediate neighbours have been consulted. The property is a chalet bungalow with only 2 bedrooms and poorly insulated. The aim is to have a property that fits in with the character of the village and thermally efficient. The conservation officer comments have been taken on board. The house will become two storey, except adjacent to the immediate neighbours. The main house will be white render and then red brick on the rest this will then blend in with the adjacent properties. There will be natural wood cladding to be more environmentally friendly. The size of the extension will be reduced and sit on the current footprint, and this will reduce the glazing so there is minimal light pollution. When the application is sent to the PC this will be circulated to all in the normal way.
- Items for the next meeting 24th January 2022
Budget, further items to be advised prior to the meeting.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm