FVPC Minutes 30.11.2020


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Monday, 30th November 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm.

Cllr Tosswill                                      Cllr Lashbrook                      Cllr Mitchell (Chair – 1st part of meeting)
Cllr Harpur                                       Cllr Browning                        Cllr Sennett (Chair – 2nd part of meeting)
Cllr J Kilby                                        Cllr McCallum
In Attendance:
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (Dorset Council).

Democratic Period
Councillor Mitchell welcomed everyone to the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.

20/049. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Palmer (illness), R Kilby and Stovin (prior commitments).

20/050. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests

20/051. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 21st September and the EGM held on 12th October were agreed as a true and accurate record and would be signed without further discussion at the next face to face meeting. Proposed: Cllr J Kilby Seconded: Cllr I Mitchell RESOLVED

20/052. Matters arising from Last Meeting
The Clerk reported that she had contacted Magna for an update on the proposed mutual housing exchange discussed at the EGM on 12th October. The Housing Officer had been unable to obtain the relevant information from Dorset Council and it seemed unlikely that the exchange would now proceed.

20/053. Dorset Council Report
Cllr Alford reported that:
• A recent response from Dorset Council to the Government’s planning consultation had been circulated;
• A number of other consultations including those relating to parking charges and the climate emergency were underway; and
• A consultation on the new Dorset Local Plan would hopefully be launched in January.
Cllr Alford also noted that he had contacted planning enforcement about the parked vans on the verge of the A37, who had agreed to investigate further.

20/054. Development Applications
a. Planning Applications currently in circulation: None.
b. To note the following determinations received since the last meeting: None.

20/055. Community Space
a. To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
The Clerk (on behalf of the CSWG) reported that:
• Weekly inspections had continued. The swing seat sleeves had been replaced but were slightly curled due to having been stored on a reel, this should drop out naturally in a few weeks;
• Continued review of Covid cases locally would inform whether the play area continued to stay open;
• The play inspector had advised that the Covid signage and a named contact were reinstalled in order to comply with current Covid legislation (the originals signs had weathered and fallen off. NB Clerk has now installed new signs).
b. To note weekly/quarterly inspection reports and action any repairs
See above.
As Cllr Mitchell was experiencing technological difficulties, a proposal was received for Cllr Sennett to chair the meeting. This was proposed by Cllr Browning, seconded by Cllr McCallum, and duly resolved. Cllr Sennett remained in the chair for the remainder of the meeting.

20/056. Highways & Footpaths
a. To receive an update from the RoWLO
Cllr Lashbrook reported that:
• The fingerpost refurbishment had been completed and an invoice was listed for payment.

20/057. Finance and Procedural Matters
a. To authorise payments for goods and services received since the last meeting
Payments were authorised/receipts noted for the following:

HMRC VAT refund  £           996.44
HSBC Interest  £               0.07
Dorset Council Precept – 2nd half  £        5,650.00
 £        6,646.51
Payments Voucher Chq  Amount
P Minty  

Works to fingerpost

CA109 100787  £           105.00
Dorset County Pension Fund  

EE and ER contributions Oct/Nov

CA110 100788  £           190.96


CA111 100789  £           721.25
K Hussey  

Inspections/sleeve replacement

CA112 100790  £           185.00
 £        1,202.21

Proposed: Cllr Sennett Seconded: Cllr Browning RESOLVED FOR PAYMENT
A previously circulated bank reconciliation was noted, no questions raised.
b. To consider the budget and precept for 2021/22 financial year
As a number of councillors were experiencing connectivity issues and three were absent, it was agreed to defer this discussion until the January meeting.
c. To appoint an internal auditor for the 20/21 financial year
Mrs M Harding was duly appointed as the Council’s internal auditor for the current financial year.
Proposed: Cllr Browning Seconded: Cllr Sennett RESOLVED
d. To review the Council’s Risk and Asset registers
Both approved without change, noting that the cast iron lamp outside the Savill Hall was not a Parish Council asset.

20/058. Correspondence
Various emails circulated to members – no questions raised.

20/059. Other Relevant Information
• Cllr Mitchell thanked those involved with the restoration of the Chilfrome telephone kiosk;
• Cllr Sennett reported that the Cattistock box is being restored gradually;
• Thanks were recorded to Cllr Lashbrook and Mr Minty for their efforts with the fingerpost; and
• Cllr Browning reported that the development at Melvelawns had now commenced.
20/060. Arrangements and items for the next meeting
The next meeting was agreed for Monday 18th January at 7pm, to be held remotely via Zoom.
Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk 7 days prior to the meeting date.