FVPC Minutes – INFORMAL 29.07.2021
Notes from an informal meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via Zoom on Monday 29th July 2021, commencing at 7.00 pm.
Cllr Mitchell Cllr Browning Cllr Palmer
Cllr McCallum (Cllr Harpur last five minutes only)
In Attendance
Mrs K Sheehan (Clerk), Cllr A Alford (County Councillor).
Democratic Period
Councillor Palmer welcomed everyone to the meeting. No members of the public were in attendance.
21/045. Apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Sennett (away), Cllr Stovin (away), Cllr Kilby (away).
21/046. Code of Conduct and Declarations of Interests
21/047. Minutes of the meetings held on 4th May 2021
Minutes were noted – no changes required. To be formally approved at next meeting.
21/048. Matters Arising
None raised.
21/049. Higher Authority Report – Dorset Council
Cllr Alford reported that, in addition to the various Dorset Council regular bulletins, the planning function would no longer be sending out letters to neighbouring properties of planning applications. He also noted that a decision had been made by Natural England not to progress the proposal for a Dorset National Park this year.
21/050. Development Matters
a. P/HOU/2021/02177 13 Meadow View, Cattistock
Members raised no objections to this application.
b. P/LBC/2021/01504 Fullers Earth, Maiden Newton Road, Cattistock
Members raised no objections, stating that the changes seemed both reasonable and an improvement.
c. Determinations – none
d. To receive any updates regarding the mobile home located at Sandhills
Members noted a report from the planning enforcement officer which had been circulated.
21/051. Community Space
a. To receive an update from the Community Space Working Group
The Clerk noted that the play inspector had picked up on the fact that the Covid signage had blown away. Councillors asked the Clerk to check on signage requirements post-16th August. Councillors also noted that glasses from the pub are being left in the Community Space, which could be dangerous.
b. To note weekly inspection reports and action any findings
Cllr Palmer reported that she had continued to conduct the weekly checks, with nothing major to report at present, other than the glasses noted above.
c. To note quarterly inspection report
Circulated and noted.
21/052. Highways and Footpaths
a. To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer
b. To consider a request for signage on the Community Space fencing to prevent parked vehicles blocking access to properties
Members considered correspondence received from members of the public requesting signage to improve parking and access near the Community Space. Councillors felt that the area could potentially be cluttered with signage, which would have the effect of making each signage less visible/effective. Community Space users would be identifiable in the Community Space and could be requested to move their vehicles if the issue arose.
c. To consider a request for a replacement memorial bench located outside the churchyard
Members agreed that in principle this was a reasonable request, however, Cllr Browning agreed to assess the current condition of the bench and also try to establish whether it was an existing memorial bench before proceeding.
Action: Cllr Browning to report back to September meeting.
d. To consider refurbishment of Chilfrome fingerpost on A356.
Action: Clerk to research AONB funding for this project.
21/053. Financial and Procedural Matters
a. To authorise payments for goods and services/note receipts and bank reconciliation
Receipts | ||||
04.06.2021 | HSBC | Interest | £ 0.07 | |
16.07.2021 | Openreach | Wayleaves | £ 8.82 | |
£ 8.89 | ||||
Payments | Voucher | Chq | Amount | |
PCC Cattistock | Grant for Dorset flag | CA126 | 100803 | £ 110.00 |
DAPTC | Affiliation fee 21/21 | CA127 | 100804 | £ 259.14 |
Staff | Salary/expenses June and July | CA128 | 100805 | £ 720.73 |
K Hussey | Inspection/valuation/repair | CA129 | 100806 | £ 269.00 |
SWAST | Defibrillator renewal | CA130 | 100807 | £ 2,160.00 |
J Carver | Grass cuts 2020 and 2021 | CA131 | 100808 | £ 340.00 |
Cattistock PCC | Cemetery maintenance grant | CA132 | 100809 | £ 610.00 |
Chilfrome PCC | Cemetery maintenance grant | CA133 | 100810 | £ 260.00 |
Frome St Quintin PCC | Cemetery maintenance grant | CA134 | 100811 | £ 260.00 |
Staff | August – postdated final salary | CA135 | 100812 | £ 303.61 |
DCPF | EE & ER contribs; June, July, Aug | CA136 | 100813 | £ 300.39 |
£ 5,592.87 |
Proposed: Cllr G Browning Seconded: Cllr I Mitchell RESOLVED
Bank reconciliation and list of reserves held noted, no comments made.
b. To note that DAPTC training on the proposed new Code of Conduct and complaints process is now available.
The Clerk reminded Councillors that these sessions were available and booking was ‘self-service’ through the DAPTC website.
c. To receive an update on Dorset Council’s Community Governance Review
Councillors noted that DC had now agreed terms of reference for the review, which was now underway.
d. To authorise the Clerk to sign the MOU with SWAST for the renewed defibrillator contract
All present agreed that the Clerk should sign and return the MOU.
e. To agree an advert, job description, person specification, timetable and panel for the recruitment of a new Clerk.
Agreed without change and councillors would identify dates for interview closer to the time.
f. To amend the bank mandate to remove outgoing Clerk as signatory/correspondence address
Action: Clerk to prepare a letter for signature to this effect.
g. To retrospectively approve any decisions made under the scheme of delegation
Deferred until next formal meeting of Council.
21/054. Correspondence
Previously circulated to all. No queries raised.
21/055. Other Relevant Information
Cllr Palmer thanked everyone for attending and the Clerk for her service over the past five years.
21/056. Arrangements for the next meeting
Councillors agreed to return to usual meeting arrangements for September – Monday 27th September, 7pm, in the Savill Hall kitchen.
Items for the agenda to be advised to the Clerk/Chair 7 days prior to the meeting date.