FVPC Minutes of Meeting 30-09-24
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Monday 30 September 2024 at 7.00pm at the Savill Hall, Cattistock
Cattistock Frome St Quintin Chilfrome
Cllr B Sennett (BS) (Vice Chair) Cllr S Palmer (Chair) Cllr I Mitchell (IM)
Cllr C Ould (CO) Cllr D McCallum (DM) Cllr V Kennard (VK)
Cllr S Stovin (SS)
Cllr N Eysenck (NE) (Dorset County Councillor)
4 members of the public (TW, WB, MT, FF)
Cllr W Lashbrook
Cllr G Browning
Cllr D Newman
Democratic Forum
TW referred to Frome Valley Parish Council’s (FVPC) letter to the Fete Committee dated 17 May 2024 and advised that he was aware of a meeting held on Friday 27 September 2024 attended by the Chairman and Treasurer of the Fete Committee with SP and BS representing FVPC.
TW said he assumed that Councillors were aware of the Code of Conduct and alleged that FVPC had breached the Code and that FVPC’s letter is clumsy, inaccurate, not true, that it had more holes than a Swiss cheese and had alienated half of the village.
CO asked TW to clarify which letter he was referring to as there were two letters (one dated 17 May 2024 and one dated 1 August 2024 which was sent at WB’s request following WB’s attendance at the last Parish Council Meeting on 29 July 2024), TW confirmed it was the one dated 17 May 2024.
TW stated that in his opinion, from where the Fete Committee stood, FVPC was wrong on so many levels and that he would be happy to act as mediator using his evidence and getting statements from individuals. TW stated that he thought this was a personal attack against WB, yet it has nothing to do with him and FVPC have not addressed the issues. TW stated that the Fete have donated £20,000 over the years to the Cattistock Community Fund and reiterated his belief that this was a personal attack on WB and it was by one individual because they do not get on.
SP asked TW if he knew what was discussed at the meeting on 27 September 2024. TW advised that as he had been away, he had only just heard about it, and that he did not know what was discussed or the outcome of the meeting.
SP explained that at the meeting on 27 September 2004, which was held following the Treasurer of the Fete Committee’s letter dated 8 August 2004 (which had been written in response to the FVPC letter dated 17 May 2024), some of the issues TW is referring to were resolved. TW looked to WB for confirmation. WB confirmed that some of the issues were resolved.
SP advised that she would be updating the Parish Council on the outcome of the meeting that was held on 27 September 2024 that addressed the points raised by the Treasurer in his letter dated 8 August 2024 (which had been written in response to the FVPC letter dated 17 May 2024) and will cover the issues TW was referring to.
TW advised the Parish Council that its contract with SWAST for the defibrillator would be coming to an end in August 2025 and that SWAST will not be renewing the contract. TW advised that Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance are currently offering a community defibrillator package at £1750.00 for a 3 year period. TW advised that grant funding can be applied for through the British Heart Foundation and that he was happy to apply for this funding and continue in his role as Defibrillator Co-ordinator. TW also confirmed that there is no cost for the consumables that he orders occasionally for the defibrillator as these are covered under the current contract. SP thanked TW for all he has done and continues to do with regards to the defibrillator.
FF advised that she was the Cattistock editor of The Chimes and asked whether a summary of the key points of the minutes of the FVPC meetings could be placed in The Chimes as it was difficult to go on to the website to read them each time.
FF explained that a number of individuals from the Fete Committee had volunteered to undertake the works to the bus shelter, but as they were no longer doing this, asked for an update on what was happening to the bus shelter because she thought it was important to the history of the village. SP advised that this would be covered later as it was discussed at the meeting on 27 September 2024 with the Chairman and Treasurer of the Fete Committee.
30/09-01 Welcome and opening introduction from the Chair
SP welcomed everyone to the meeting.
30/09-02 To update on appointment of a new Clerk / RFO
SP confirmed the vacancy had been readvertised with DAPTC.
30/09-03 To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies received from;
Cllr D Newman, Cllr G Browning and Cllr W Lashbrook
30/09-04 To receive disclosures of interests or grants of dispensation.
30/09-05 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29 July 2024
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed – SS
Seconded – VK
30/09-6 Matters arising from the last meeting – for information only
NE updated the Parish Council with regards to Cattistock Lodge. He advised that he has been in touch with the Head of Building Control and arranging an appointment to discuss. NE confirmed that there have been concerns raised regarding the safety of the building and 3 building control complaints have been received. NE advised that the building was thought safe following measures put in place in March 2024, however it will be flagged as a dangerous building.
30/09-7 To receive a report from Dorset Council
NE updated the Council on the following:
- Planning Enforcement constraints.
- Planning Department under pressure to increase housing especially Affordable Housing.
- National Planning Policy Framework
- Strategic Plan – efforts to merge County Councils to align strategic direction regionally.
- Budget shortfall – efforts to make efficiencies and smarter working practices.
- Highways and Rights of Way – to make savings.
- Parish Councils to review precept taking into consideration potential Highways and Rights of Way savings.
30/09-8 Community Space
i. To receive an update from the Community Space group
Awaiting update
ii. To consider the latest inspection reports and any repairs
Report distributed to all Cllrs and Chair of the Community Space Committee
BS advised that he had removed the springer horse including large metal screws and only a flat plate remains.
iii. To consider hedge cutting along boundary with Fuller’s Earth lane
Action: SP to contact owners of Fuller’s Earth
iv. To provide update on complaint from adjoining property re ivy
SP has contacted the insurance company who have requested complainant contact details and copies of all correspondence in relation to the ivy. Ongoing.
30/09-9 Financial and Procedural Matters
To authorise payments for goods and services received since last meeting.
Payee Reason Amount £’s
M Harding RFO Services – August 40.00
K Hussey Community Space Q2 Inspection 70.00
J Carver Grass Cutting April to September 350.00
M Harding RFO Services – September 80.00
Savill Hall Room Hire 30/09/24 20.00
Total 560.00
Proposed – DM
Seconded – CO
Action: SP to administer online payments
i. To approve payment for Country Cars mobile phone contract renewal
Action: SP to confirm Country Cars payment amount
30/09-10 Planning
i. To consider all planning applications in circulation
a. P/HOU/2024/04968 Proposal: Replace the outer plaster and clad the bungalow in vertical strips of Western Red Cedar at Wallis Farm Bungalow, Maiden Newton Road, Cattistock DT2 0JL
Action: No objection
b, P/CLE/2024/04897 Proposal: The retention and continued occupation of a mobile home for residential purposes in breach of conditions 3 and 5 of application 1/D/10/001604Location: Higher Drove Farm, Higher Drove, Chilfrome DT2 0HU
Action: Comments by end of w/c 30/09/24
ii. To note development decisions received since the last meeting or other planning matters.
a. P/LBC/2024/03542 Proposal: External alterations to replace gutters and downpipe with case aluminium rainwater goods with cast aluminium. Location: Ivy Cottage, The Square – Granted
b. P/FUL/2023/00953 Proposal: Installation of ground mounted solar photovoltaic array etc. Location: Land South West of Wraxall Woods – Awaiting decision
IM raised concerns regarding plans for storage batteries and the use of a water tower nearby as a safety feature.
Action: NE to follow up
30/09-11 Highways
i. To receive any Highways reports
ii. To receive the Transport report
None received. There was a general discussion regarding public transport and the impact on rural residents.
30/09-12 Footpaths and Rights of Way
i. To receive an update from the Rights of Way Liaison Officer
No update
ii. Update on Wraxall Lane
SP advised that DN had been in contact with the owners of the farm on Wraxall Lane. They advise that they are in discussions with Dorset Council.
30/09-13 Correspondence
Correspondence circulated to Councillors
30/09-14 Parish Reports
i. Cattistock
- Update on meeting with Chairman and Treasurer of Cattistock Fete Committee
SP confirmed that a meeting was held on Friday 27 September 2024 with the Chairman and Treasurer of the Fete Committee to address the specific issues raised in the Treasurer’s letter dated 8 August 2024 (extracts of the letter are in italics).
‘… will have already explained that we were not involved in any way with this false accusation. What is interesting is that someone in the village presumably thought they would be doing everyone a favour by looking after them. Surely thy are to be congratulated for their community spirit, even if not really the right way of doing things, rather than being castigated by you.
Interestingly you mention 12 seats in the village. Perhaps you could let us have a copy of the asst register so that we can avoid stepping on your toes in future. Once villagers know what’s what, I’m sure they will make every effort to never touch them again! Well done for discouraging community responsibility!’
SP advised at the meeting on the 27 September, the Chairman of the Fete Committee confirmed that he was aware the benches were being refurbished at the request of a parishioner residing in Chalmington, who has sadly passed away, he was however, unaware that the benches in question were Parish Council assets. SP accepted the Fete Committee had no involvement in the removal and refurbishment of the seats/benches that are listed on the Asset Register. It was also noted that the Asset Register lists 12 benches and SP and BS were asked to identify them. BS confirmed that at the time of the meeting on 27 September, FVPC were unable to identify all 12. It was agreed that a review of the Asset Register was to be undertaken by FVPC and publicly available.
BS advised that following the meeting on 27 September he had checked all the seats in the village and identified 11 in total. (It was subsequently recollected that a bench had been removed from the Community Space due to rust and damage and that this was probably the 12th bench). SP confirmed that a list (including location if applicable) of FVPC assets will be available on the FVPC website in due course as previously agreed.
Bus Shelter
‘Since this is no longer to be the villagers responsibility, perhaps we could ask, when was it last refurbished and what is the maintenance programme going forward? Will the villagers have a say in what you intend to do?’
SP sought confirmation that this matter had been addressed and resolved at the meeting on 29 July 2024. WB confirmed that this was correct.
For information and for the benefit of the members of the public, BS confirmed that the Parish Council had given permission at the FVPC meeting on 25 March 2024 for the purchase of stain and brushes.
BS advised that he had requested Highways jet the gullies from the Old Chapel site to the other side of The Square. Whilst there is an improvement after heavy rain it still takes approx. 1 hour to drain away. BS confirmed that after the gullies were cleared, Dorset Waste removed the mud that had collected by the bus shelter. BS confirmed that this had been completed and he had started the maintenance work.
‘Thank you for commending the Fete Committee on buying the old telephone box, spending many hours refurbishing it, organising the defibrillator and arranging training on its use. The Fete Committee are already committed to its on-going maintenance but thank you for your suggestion.’
FVPC acknowledged, the work the Fete Committee has done and continues to do with regards the defibrillator. It had been mentioned previously (at both the FVPC meeting on 29 July and the meeting on 27 September), that the Fete Committee pays for consumables namely, replacement pads. This has been queried with SWAST and they advised that these were provided for and replaced by them. SP had requested at the meeting on 27 September that any invoices relating to consumables be forwarded to the Parish Council for reimbursement. WB advised that there may not be any invoices.
SP enquired as to the purchase of the telephone box. It was acknowledged that the red phone box had been purchased by the Fete Committee, however a telephone box which was purchased by FVPC for £1 is listed on the asset register. TW confirmed that FVPC did purchase a telephone box, but it was the smaller silver and Perspex style which was removed by the Fete Committee when they installed the red phone box for the defibrillator. TW advised that the phone box FVPC purchased is currently stored in an outbuilding at a member of the Fete Committee’s property.
SP suggested that as the defibrillator is under contract with FVPC that FVPC take responsibility for the payment of any maintenance costs.
Petanque Court
‘As the Community Space is one of the Parish Council’s assets, I assume you were involved at the original planning stage and therefore also failed to advise on the incorrect size of the crushed stone. It is therefore a bit rich to suggest it was somehow our fault. I’m also surprised that you suggest the Fete Committee get involved with the resurfacing, as surely this contradicts the very request you made in your first and second paragraphs?’
At the meeting on 27 September, referring to the Parish Council’s letter dated 17 May 2024 which states ‘The Fete Committee might like also to consider progressing the resurfacing of the pétanque court.’, the Treasurer of the Fete Committee perceived this as the Council implying it was the Fete Committee’s fault the surface was incorrect in the first instance. At the meeting on 27 September BS and SP reassured the Treasurer that this was not the case and that it was a funding recommendation only and not an accusation.
SP explained that a Councillor who was also Chairman of the Community Space Committee, but no longer residing in the village, initiated the installation of the pétanque court. SP clearly recalls a discussion at the time asking that the surface be appropriate and did not turn into a ‘cat litter tray’. The Councillor advised FVPC at the time that the supplier had assured him that the material provided was appropriate. SP stated that if anyone was responsible for the incorrect surface material, it was the supplier.
WB advised that due to promises of funding for the resurfacing of the pétanque court not being followed through, the Fete Committee stepped in. SP thanked the Fete Committee for the funding on behalf of the Parish Council.
SP asked if, based on what had been said and agreed, the matter can now be closed. Agreement was given by WB. SP confirmed that a letter would be sent to both the Chairman and Treasurer of the Fete Committee.
SP thanked the members of the public for attending the meeting.
SP thanked the Fete Committee on behalf of the Parish Council for their hard work in planning and organising Fete Week and recognised that the money raised for the benefit of the community is incredible.
SP thanked TW for his work as defibrillator co-ordinator, maintaining the defibrillator and arranging community training.
The 4 members of the public left the meeting.
- Police contact details
BS handed out updated police and community support officer contact details to be placed on village noticeboards.
- Silhouette of Soldier
BS advised that a member of the public has requested whether the silhouette of the soldier be displayed all year round and in a more prominent location such as at West End by the bench and planter.
A discussion was had about the advantages and disadvantages of the silhouette being on display all year. It was determined that it was more impactful if the silhouette was displayed at times of remembrance such as VE Day and the weeks leading up to Remembrance Sunday. It was therefore agreed by all that the silhouette was displayed at times of remembrance only.
Action: BS to update member of the public.
ii. Frome St Quintin
- Installation of defibrillator
- Flooding at Holywell
DM raised concerns by residents with regards to flooding in Holywell.
NE confirmed that he had been in discussions with the residents affected by the flooding at Holywell and the Flood Team. A general discussion took place with regards to location of drains, ownership of the private road and possible solutions.
Action: NE and DM will continue to support the residents.
iii. Chilfrome
- IM advised that a field by the old railway line is covered in ragwort. He questioned whether it was part of a re-wilding project.
Action: IM to identify the owner of the land
- IM advised that the road is flooding by the 2nd house on the right as you leave the village towards Maiden Newton. This may be due to the road being slightly higher following resurfacing works.
30/09-15 Repairs to Cattistock Church Clock
SP summarised the grant application from Cattistock PCC and the update provided by the Church Warden.
It was agreed that the Church Warden should be invited to attend a meeting to discuss the grant application. Rather than wait until the next Parish Council meeting in November an extraordinary meeting be arranged inviting the Church Warden and other members of the PCC to discuss.
Action: SP to contact the Church Warden and set a date for the extraordinary meeting.
30/09-16 To confirm the date for the next Parish Council Meeting on Monday 25 November 24
Meeting closed at 9.30pm