FVPC Minutes 23-05-22
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held on
Monday 23rd May 2022
at 8.20pm pm at Savill Hall Cattistock
Cattistock Frome St Quinton Chilfrome
Cllr B Sennett (BS) Cllr S Palmer (SP) Cllr I Mitchell (IM) (Vice Chair)
Cllr W Lashbrook (WL) Cllr S Toswill (ST)
In Attendance
Mrs M Harding (Clerk) Cllr A Alford (AA) (County Councillor) no members of public
Welcome and Democratic Period- The Vice Chair welcomed Cllrs to the Annual Parish Council meeting following the Annual Parish meeting, no public were in attendance at this part of the meeting.
- To elect a Chairman for 2022-23 and sign the declaration of acceptance of office
Sara Palmer was proposed by IM and seconded by BS
- To elect a Vice Chairman for 2022-23 and sign the acceptance of office
Ian Mitchell was proposed by SP and seconded by WL
- To receive apologies for absence– apologies were received and recorded from- Cllr R Kilby (RK), Cllr S Stovin (SS), Cllr G Browning (GB) Cllr D McCallum (DM)- it was noted that the meeting is still quorate with 5 Cllrs attending the Annual PC meeting.
- To receive disclosures of interests from members on matters to be considered at the meeting –none
- Minutes of the meeting held on 28th March 2022
The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed BS Seconded ST
- To receive any matters arising for information only – none
- To confirm the Councillors roles and responsibilities for the coming year
- Planning– IM
- Footpaths and Rights of Way– WL
- Transport Advisor- Sally Falkingham- (Maiden Newton)
- HMS Cattistock– Stuart Kilby
- DAPTC rep- SP
- To confirm the membership of the Community Space working group:
SP and Cathy Evans- All Cllrs and community space group members have been allocated a month to carry out the visual inspections of the Community space for insurance purposes, should a member be unable to carry out their duty then they are responsible for finding a replacement. The report is then submitted to the Clerk for filing and actions noted at the next PC meeting.
- General Power of Competence
To confirm that Frome Valley PC continue to meet the criteria for the GPC and to resolve to continue.
Proposed SP Seconded WL
- Community Space
- To receive an update from the Community Space working group and consider the proposals for new fitness equipment
SP reported that the goal posts need to be replaced as a child could get their head stuck. Costs will be gathered for the next meeting. Also, in the report the soil has compacted at base of the tyres and needs to be replaced, it was agreed to replace with rubber mulch similar to that on the mound the Clerk will look to see where this was ordered from. Cllrs agreed to this purchase.
Proposed WL Seconded SP
It was noted that the grass needed cutting in the Community space, but the contractor had not been engaged, it was agreed to ask Jess Carver to continue to cut the grass for £70 per cut every 3 to 4 weeks. The contract will be considered again for the following year at budget time.
- To consider the proposal for the exercise equipment in the community space.
Cllrs were asked for their opinions based on the information received at the Annual Parish meeting on this project. This was discussed and all Cllrs in attendance supported the project assuming that the area is fenced, appropriate signage and funds can be sought and there is enough room for all events on the Community site as well as this project.
Proposed SP Seconded BS
It was agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting as soon as possible with the remaining Cllrs to consider the project timeline after gathering information on potential grant funding including S106 funds. Date to be confirmed.
- Finance and procedural matters
- To consider the report of the Internal Auditor for 2021-22- This report was received and accepted
- To approve the Certificate of Exemption 2021-22
Proposed SP Seconded WL
- To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021-22
Proposed WL Seconded BS
- To approve the Statement of Accounts 2021-22
Proposed IM Seconded BS
- To authorise payments for goods and services
Payment | Description | Voucher No | Amount |
M Harding | Salary/Exp | FV01/22 | 769.48 |
HMRC | PAYE | FV02/22 | 217.55 |
Dorset Council | Dumpy Bag Cattistock and FstQ | FV03/22 | 156.00 |
I Wigglesworth | Internal Audit | FV04/22 | 75.00 |
DAPTC | Chair course | FV05/22 | 25.00 |
Gallagher | Insurance (LTA 2024) | FV06/22 | 1,036.57 |
DAPTC | Annual Subs | FV07/22 | 267.43 |
J Carver | Community Area Grass | FV08/22 | 70.00 |
M Diment | Email/Domain | FV09/22 | 20.00 |
Receipts | |||
Precept | 5650.00 | ||
Interest | 0.04 | ||
Vat refund | 713.83 |
All payments were made in line with internal controls Proposed ST Seconded SP
Bank rec as at 30th April 2022- £39713.13
- To reaffirm the Standing orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct
Agreed as no changes required so reaffirmed.
- To review bank mandates- the current bank signatories are BS, SP and GB for the new online Lloyds bank account. The Clerk asked the PC to consider taking out a fixed term bond with united Trust Bank for a year. This was considered and agreed to invest £15,000 into the fixed term bond. Proposed WL Seconded BS
- To consider using Scribe accounting software for the PC accounts
The Clerk had sent around a quote and details about the accounting software and the benefits to the PC to save time and admin costs, this was agreed. Proposed BS Seconded IM
- To consider a dedicated email address for the Parish Council
The Clerk had suggested 2 options to stay with the DAPTC address for £39 per year or use the domain for the PC website for an additional £20 per year with the website provider. It was agreed to go with the website provider and have clerk@fromevalleyparishcouncil.org
All agreed
- Planning and Development matters
- To consider planning applications currently in circulation- None
- To note development decisions received since the last meeting
Ground works on a property in the parish was discussed, this will be monitored and reported to Dorset Council if necessary.
- Highways
Following the discussions in the APM regarding the sign at Holywell and that DC will not replace it, it was agreed that DM will be asked to see if the sign can be salvaged if not a new sign will be costed.
It was also agreed that the sign for Higher Chilfrome previously requested by IM would be ordered. IM will provide the location of the sign to the Clerk to place the order.
- Rights of Way- none
- Correspondence- previously circulated
- Parish Reports- IM commented on the pooling of water in Chilfrome that has not been repaired, this will be monitored and reported if this gets worse. It was noted that the Cattistock notice board keys are with SP, these will be passed to Cattistock Cllrs.
- To confirm meeting dates for the coming year and items for the next meeting
25th July 2022, 26th Sept 2022, 28th Nov 2022, 23rd Jan 2023, 27th March 2023 and 22nd May 2023. These dates will be placed on the website and sent to the VH for their info
Meeting closed at 9.20pm